Wednesday, July 13, 2011


AIIMS May 2011 – MCQ 100
1.Histopathological featues of fat necrosis in a new born closely resembles?
A. Steroid induced lipid necorsis
B. Lupoid necrosis
C. Erythema induratum
D. Lipodermatosclerosis

2.A 9 yr old girl has difficulty in combing hair and climbing upstairs. Gowers sign is positive. What is the next investigation to be performed?
B. RA factor
C. Creatine kinase

3.BRCA1 gene is located on chromosome number?
A. 13
B. 11
C. 17
D. 22

4.Which among the following is false?
A. Ileum is non feathery
B. Colon has haustrations
C. Jejunum is feathery
D. Distal part of duodenum has a cap

5.Which among the following is false?
A. Ileum is non feathery
B. Colon has haustrations
C. Jejunum is feathery
D. Distal part of duodenum has a cap

6.Not true about breast milk
A. Max output at 12 months
B. Co-efficient of iron absorption is 70%
C. Ca utilization more than cows milk
D. Breast milk protien is reference protein

7.True about cluster sampling all except
A. Sample size same as simple random
B. It is two stage sampling
C. Cheaper than other methods
D. It is a method for rapid assessment

8.Which is true about BCG?
A. Distilled water is used as diluent
B. Site for injection is cleaned with spirit
C. Mantoux test positive in 6 weeks
D. WHO recommends Danish 1331 for vaccine production

9.CAP in Lac operon is an example of:
A. Positive regulator
B. Negative regulator
C. Constitutive expression
D. Attenuation

10.Inceneration not done for
A. Cytotoxic drugs
B. Waste sharps
C. Human anatomical waste
D.Cotton contaminated by blood

11.The primary direct stimulus for excitation of central chemoreceptors is ?
A. Increased H+
B. Increased CO2
c. Increased O2
D. Decreased CO2

12.Which of the following statements regarding DDT is false?
A. Pyrethrum has synergistic action
B. It is a contact poison
C. Immediately kills the prey
D. Residual effect lasts 18 months

13.Following are larval control measures except?
B. Paris green
C. Gambusia
D. Intermittent irrigation

14.Goals of national population policy are all except?
A. Decrease IMR to below 30/1000 live births
B. Reduce MMR to below 100/100000 live births
C. Achieve 100% registration of births, deaths, marriage and pregnancy
D. Bring down TFR to replacement levels by 2015

15.Maximum post prandial motility is seen in?
A. Ascending colon
B. Transverse colon
C. Descending colon
D. Sigmoid colon

16.CSF pressure is mainly regulated by?
A. Rate of CSF formation
B. Rate of CSF absorption
C. Cerebral blood flow
D. Venous pressure

17.Terminal group of lymph node for colon is?
A. Paracolic
B. Epicolic
C. Preaortic
D. Ileocolic

18.Spleen projects in the following space
A. Left paracolic gutter
B. Infracolic compartment
C. Left subhepatic space
D. Greater sac

19.In subclavian artery block at the outer border of 1st rib, all of the following arteries help in maintaining the circulation except?
A. Subscapular
B. Superior thoracic
C. Thyrocervical trunk
D. Suprascapular

20.False about hepatic duct is?
A. Left hepatic duct formed in umblical fissure
B. Caudate lobe drains only left hepatic duct
C. Right hepatic duct formed by 5 and 7 segments
D. Left hepatic duct crosses 4 segment

21.A 3 month old male child with normal genitilia presents to the emergency department with severe dehydration, hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia. Measurement of which among the following is most helpful?
A. 17-hydroxy progesterone
B. Renin
C. Cortisol
D. Aldosterone

22.Regarding ace inhibitors which of the following is true?
A. Inhibits conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1
B. t 1/2 of enalapril is more than lisinopril
C. Omission of priorc diuretic dose decreases the risk of postural hypotension
D. It is effective only with LV systolic dysfunction

23.Which opoid receptor causes musclular rigidity?
A. μ
B. δ
C. κ
D. σ

24.Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by all except
A. Amylodosis
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Addisson’s disease
D. Diabetes mellitus

25.True statement regarding clomiphene citrate is?
A. Enclomiphene is an anti estrogenic
B. Increases pregnancy rate 3 times
C. Incidence of twin pregnancy is 5%
D. Shown to increase fertility in oligospermic males in RCT

26.Vaginal delivary can be allowed in all except?
A. Monochorionic monoamniotic
B. Mentoanterior
C.Extended breech
D. Dichorionic twins with first vertex and second breech

27.A pregnant lady had no complaints but mild cervical lymphadenopathy in first trimester. She was prescribed spiramycin but was non compliant. Baby was born with hydrocephalus and intracerebral calcification. Likely cause is
A. Toxoplasma gondii
C. Cryptococcus
D. Rubella

28.Regarding hashimoto’s thyroiditis, all are true except?
A. Follicular destruction
B. Increse in lymphocytes
C. Oncocytic metaplasia
D. Orphan annie eye nuclei

29.A child presents with faliure to thrive with frequent vomiting, diarrhoea, hepatic splenomegaly and abdominal distension. CT shows adrenal calcification. Which of the following is the diagonosis?
A. Adrenal haemorrage
B. Wolmans disease
C. Pheochromocytoma
D. Addisons disease

30.A girl presented with hyperkalemia and peaked T waves on ECG. The fastest way of shifting potassium intracellularly is?
A. Calcium gluconate IV
B. Oral resin
C. Insulin+glucose
D. Sodium bicarbonate

31.Which of the following about athesclerosis is true?
A. Intake of unsaturated fatty acids associated with decreased risk
B. Thoracic aorta involvement is more severe than abdominal aorta
C. Extent of lesion in veins is same as that in arteries
D. Hypercholesterolemia does not always increase the risk of atherosclerosis per se

32.Radiological features of LV failure are all except
A. Kerley b lines
B. Cardiomegaly
C. Oligemic lung fields
D. Increased flow in upper lobe veins

32.Berry aneurysm defect lies in:
A. Degeneration of internal elastic lamina
B. Degeneration of media/muscle cell layer
C. Deposition of mucoid material in media
D. Low grade inflammation of vessel wall

33.Function of CD4 is all except?
A. antibody production
B. Cytotoxicity of T cells
C. Memory B cells
D. Opsonisation

34.All the following statements about purification of water are true except
A. Presence of clostridial spores indicate recent contamination
B. Coliforms must not be detectable in any 100ml sample of drinking water
C. Sodium thiosulphate is used to neutralize chlorine
D. Coliforms may be dtected by multiple tube method and indole production at 44 degrees

35.True about sickle cell disease are all except
A. Single nucleotide change results in change of glutamine to valine
B. Sticky patch is generated as a result of replacement of a nonpolar residue with a polar residue
C. HbS confers resistance against malaria in heterozygotes
D. RFLP results from a single base change

36.After digestion by restriction endonucleases DNA strands can be joined again by?
A. DNA polymerase
B. DNA ligase
C. DNA topoisomerase
D. DNA gyrase

37.The loading dose of Aminophylline is:
a) 50-75 mg/kg
b) 0.5-1.0 mg/ kg
c) 2.0-3.5 mg/kg
d) 5-6 mg/kg

38.The drug imatinib acts by inhibition of:
a) Tyrosine kinase
b) Glutathione reductase
c) Thymidile synthetase
d) Protein kinase

39.Imatinib is used for treatment of Chronic myeloid leukemia.
All are true about exenatide except?
A. Glucagon like peptide analogue
B. Used in type 1 diabetes mellitus
C. Administered subcutaneously
D. Decreases glucagon level

40.Commonest infection in cystic fibroisis?
A. Pseudomonas(non mucoid strains)
B. Burkholderia cepacia
C. ??
D. ??

41.Root of mesentery crossed by
A. Horizontal part of duodenum
B. Left gonadal vessels
C. Left Ureter
D. Superior mesentric artery

42.Laudosine is a metabolite of ?
A. Atracurium
B. Cis atracurium
C. Galantamine
D. Pancuronium

43.Best contraceptive for a lactating mother is?
B. Barrier
D. Lactational amenorrhea

44.Fish is the source of all except?
A. Iron
B. Iodine
C. Vitamin A
D. Phosphorus

45.Most probable route for transmission of meningitis from CNS to inner ear?
A. Coclear aqueduct (ans)
B. Vestibular aqueduct
C. Endolymphatic sac
D. ??

46.A worker presented with abdominal pain, a line on the nails and garlic odour. It is probably due to poisoning by?
A. Lead
B. Mercury
C. Arsenic
D. ??

47.All of the following drugs will worsen megaloblastic anemia except?
A. Alcohol
B. Phenytoin
C. Methotrexate
D. Chloroquine

48.Acetyl CoA cannot be converted back DIRECTLY to?
A. Glucose
B. Ketone bodies
C. Fatty acids
D. Cholesterol

49.Most important prognostc factor for colorectal cancer is?
A. Tumour characteristics
B. Tumor site
C. LN status
D. Vascular invasion

50.Patency of ductus arteriosus is necessary in all except?
A. Persistent truncus arteriosus
B. Hypoplastic left heart
C. Pulmonary stenosis
D. Transposition of great vessels with intact ventricular septum

51.Which among the following is not fermented by colonic flora?
A. Pectin
B. Lignin
C. Starch
D. Cellulose

52.Limb reduction defects & scarring of skin in a newborn is seen due to?
A. Toxoplasma
B. Rubella
C. Varicella
D. Herpes virus

53.During arteriography dissection most commonly in?
A. Gastroduodenal artery
B. Coeliac trunk
C. Superior mesenteric artery
D. Inferior mesenteric artery

54.Axillary sheath is derived from?
A. Pretracheal fascia
B. Prevertebral fascia
C. Clavipectoral fascia
D. ??

55.A 7 day old baby was brought with respiratory distress and shock. Baby was discharged in a healthy state 2 days back. Diagnosis?
A. Aortopulmonary window
B Hypoplastic LV
C. Large VSD
D. Ebsteins anomaly

56.Healthy thinking is characterized by all except
A. Continuity
B. Constancy
C. Clarity
D. Organisation

57.Reflex hallucination is a morbid variety of?
A. Kinesthesia
B. Paraesthesia
C. Hyperaesthesia
D. Synaesthesia

58.Which is NOT true about angiography?
A. Common femoral artery is routinely catheterised
B. Single wall puncture is indicated in those with normal coagulation profile
C. Femoral artery is catheterised at medial third of femoral head
D. Seldinger technique is used both for femoral artery and vein

59.Ideal contraception for couple living far away, meeting occasionally?
B. Barrier

60.Ideal contraceptive for newly married couple?
C. Barrier method
D. ??

60.All the muscles retract the scapula except
A. Rhomboideus major
B. Rhomboideus minor
C. Trapezius
D. Levator scapulae

61.Upper limb weight is transmitted to axial skeleton by all except?
A. Coracoacromial ligament
B. Claviculoclavicular [interclavicular] ligament
C. Costoclavicular ligament
D. Acromioclavicular ligament

62.In case of an obstucted labor with mother dehydrated, febrile, and an IUD fetus in cephalic presntation. What is the management?
A. Craniotomy
B. Decapitation
C. Cesarean section
D. Forceps delivery

63.In civil negligence,the onus of the proof lies with
A. Patient
B. Doctor
C. Magistrate
D. Police not below the rank of sub inspector

64.Incidence can be determined by
A. Cross sectional studies
B. Prospective studies
C. Case control studies
D. Retrospective studies

65.Cis atracurium is preferrable to atracurium because?
A. Rapid onset
B. Short duration of action
C. Less cardiac depression
D. Less histamine release

66.Movement of protein from nucleus to cytoplasm can be seen by?
C. Confocal microscopy
D. Electron microscopy

67.30 year hypertensive lady, G 2+0, presents with menorrhagia. What is the preferred treatment?
A. Mirena
C. Hysterectomy
D. Transcervical resection of endometrium

68.Duplication of gene has contributed to the development of?
A. r RNA
C. hn RNA
D. t RNA

69.Which among the following is not a border of the triangle of auscultation?
A. Trapezius
B. Scapula
C. Latissimus dorsi
D. Serratus anterior

70.A 30 year old woman presents with primary infertility and mass per abdomen. CA 125 level is 70U/ml. Most probable diagnosis is?
A. Ovarian cancer
B. Borderline ovarian tumor
C. Tuberculosis
D. Endometriosis

71.Ovarian reserve measured by?
D. Estrogen

72.First laparoscopic cholecystectomy done by:
A. Eric Muhe
B. Langhenback
C. phillip
D. ?m..

73.Thrombosis is seen in all except
D. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia

74.Octreotide is used for all except
A. Gliomas
B. Insulinomas
C. Glucagonomas
C. Carcinoid

75.Which is true ?
A. Goitre in 5 percent of population is endemic goitre
B. In thyroid storm, the clinical features are primarily due to increased thyroxine
C. Propylthiouracil is contraindicated in pregnancy
D. ??

76.A 30yr old lady was diagnosed with sputum smear positive tuberculosis. She has a 3yr old child who is asymptomatic. Which of the following should be used as prophylaxis for the child?
A. INH 3mg/kg for 3mths
B. INH 3mg/kg for 6mths
C. INH 5mg/kg for 3mths
D. INH 5mg/kg for 6mths

77.Formications and delusions of persecution always occur together in ?
A. Cannabis
C. Heroin
D. Cocaine

78.Blood supply of sternocleidomastoid muscle is from all except?
A. Post auricular artery
B. Occipital artery
C. Thyrocervical trunk
D. Superior thyroid artery

79.False regarding pioglitazone is?
A. Agonist of PPAR
B. Metabolised by liver enzyme Cyp3A4
C. ??
D. ??

80.Which among the following is given in a case of hypoglycemia due to insulin and acarbose to overcome hypoglycemia?
A. Glucose
B. Sucrose
C. Maltose
D. Starch

81.Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is caused by a mutation of?
A. Laminin
B. Collagen VII
C. Laminin 5
D. Fibronectin

82.Most common site of cholangiocarcinoma is?
A. Intrahepatic duct
B. Distal bile duct
C. Hilum
D. Multifocal

83.Axillary abscess is most safely drained through?
A. Floor of axilla
B. Posterior wall
C. Medial wall
D. Lateral wall

84.A 5 year old boy with pubic hair, enlarged phallus, with BP= 130/90. Which of the following measurements would be diagnostic ?
A. Aldosterone
B. 11 deoxycortisol
C. Deoxycorticosterone
D. ??

85.In “bounce off” test of knee joint, end feel is described as all except?
A. Bony
B. Empty
C. Springy
D. Firm

86.Nitrogen narcosis occurs due to?
A. Effect of nitrogen on neurons
B. ??
C. ??
D. ??

87.True about prolactinoma in pregnancy all except ?
A. Most common pituitary tumors, hardly cause any effect
B. ??
C. ??
D. ??

88.In autopsy the spine is opened from which direction?
A. Anteriorly
B. Posteriorly
C. Anterolaterally
D. Laterally

89.Investigation of choice for recurrent GIST?

90.Which of the following is not a pure beta ray emitter?
A. Samarium
B. Strontium
C. Yttrium
D. Phosphorous 32

91.Not a side effect of naloxone?
A. Hypertension
B. Seizures
C. Pulmonary edema
D. ??

92.Non progressing contraction of esophagus is
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Quarternary

93.All of the following non malignant bone diseases appear to be malignant except?
A. Fibrous dysplasia
B. Hurlers
C. Bone island
D. Bone infarction

94.Bleomycin causes the following in lungs
A. Destruction of type 1 pneumocytes
B. Destruction of type 2 pneumocytes
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Destruction of endothelial cells

95.True about shunt vessels:
A. Play a role in thermoregulation
B. Role in nutrition distribution
C. Present in all vital organs
D. No autonomic nervous regulation

96.Most Common site of dissection following arteriography
A. Coeliac plexus
B. Gastroduodenal artery
C. Superior mesenteric artery
D. Inferior mesenteric artery

97.About exenatide, all are true except
A. Used in type 1 DM
B. GLP-1 agonist
C. Given subcutaneously
D. Decreases glucagon levels

98.Sphincter of Oddi consists of
A. 2 sphincters
B. 3 sphincters
C. 4 sphincters
D. 5 sphincters

99.Fine reticulate pigmentation with palmar pitting is seen in?
A. Cockayne syndrome
B. Blooms syndrome
C. Degos syndrome
D. ??

100.What is a cardiac polyp?
A. Benign mass
B. Fibrinous clot
C. Aneurysn
D. Infarct

101.Revascularisation is most effective in
A. Stunned myocardium
B. Hibernating myocardium
C. Partially ischemic myocardium
D. ??

102.Histone acetylation leads to
A. Eucrhomatin
B. Heterocrmatin
C. Replication
D. ??

103.Survival in untreated gall bladder carcinoma?
A. 2-4 months
B. 8-10 months
C. 12-24 months
D. ??

104.Which of the following doesnt occur in Renal cell carcinoma?
A. Polycythemia
B. Cushing’s
C. Malignant hypertension
D. Amyloidosis

105.A person having chest pain and sudden palpitations with heart rate of 150/min and regular rhythm. Diagnosis?
A. Sinus tachycardia
B. Idioventricular rhythm
D. AF with heart block

106.All are congenital myopathies except?
A. Central core
B. Z band
C. Nemaline
D. ??

107.Cotrimoxazole used in all except
B. Chancroid
C. Prostatitis
D. Typhoid

108.According to enneking system, not true regarding an active benign lesion is
A. Intracapsular
B. Margin of reactive bone
C. Wide rim of reactive bone
D. Extended curettage is treatment

109.Regarding Ifosfamide, all are true except?
A. It is an alkylating agent
B. Metabolised by liver
C. More toxic than cyclophosphamide.
D. ??

110.Most common cause of death in a patient with thronbolytic therapy?
A. Myocardial rupture
B. Reperfusion arrhythmia
C. Intracranial haemorrhage
D. ?

111.Degrees given by institutions in india and recognised by MCI come under?
A. Schedule I
B. Schedule II
C. Part 1 of scedule III
D. Part 3 of scedule III

112.All are true regarding Dent’s disease except?
A. Proteinura
B. Hypercalciuria
C. Father will have the same disease
D. Rickets is present

113.Central dot sign seen in
A. Caroli disease
B. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
C. Liver hematoma
D. ??

114.Most comon cause of acute mesenteric ischemia is
A. Arterial thrombosis
B. Venous thrombosis
C. Embolism
D. Non occlusive ischemia

115.Best test for GERD?
A. Manometry
B. 24 hour ph monitoring
C. Endoscopy
D. Esophagogram

116.A term male baby, with birth weight 3.5 kg, developed respiratory distress at birth, not responded to administration of surfactant. Echocardiogram was normal. X ray chest shows ground glass appearance. There is history of death of a female sibling at 1 month of age. What is the diagnosis?
B. Meconium aspiration
C. Neonatal alveolar proteinosis
D. ??

117.Which of the following is not true about JRA?
A. Fever
B. Uveitis
C. Rheumatoid nodules
D. Raynaud’s phenomenon

118.Pulsatile liver & ascites are found in?
A. Tricuspid regurgitation
B. Mitral regurgitation
C. Mitral stenosis
D. Pulmonary hypertension

119.False about acrodermatitis enteropathica
A. Triad of diarrrhoea, dementia,and dermatitis
B. Low zinc level
C. Symptoms improve with zinc supplem.
D. Autosomal recessive

120.A 14 yr old girl on exposure to cold has pallor of extremities followed by pain and cyanosis. She is prone to develop:
B. Scleroderma
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Histiocytosis

121.All are true about mucinous neoplasm of pancreas except?
A. Has coloumnar epithelium
B. Ovarian tissue may be found in it
C. Associated with ascites
D. Is premalignant

122.Drug which does not precipitate unstble angina?
A. Dipyridamole
B. Sumatriptan
C. thyroxine
D. Oxyfedrine

123.All are true regarding mesothelioma except?
A. Bilaterally symmetrical
B. Associated with asbestos exposure
C. Histopathalogy shows bimodal trend
D. Occurs in late middle age

124.Gall bladder poylps have risk of malignancy if
A. Polyp is associated with gall stones
B. Polyp size > 5 mm
C. ??
D. ??

125.All are true regarding carcinoma pancreas except?
A. 75% cases have p53 mutation
B. 5 year survival rate after pancreatico duodenectomy is 10-15%
C. Stage III cancer median survival is 3-6 months
D. ??

126.Not seen in Gestational Diabetes?
A. Previous macrosomic baby
B. Congenital malformation
C. Polyhydramnios
D. Obesity

127.Lady gets Chicken pox 3 days before delivery of the baby. What is the baby’s prognosis?
a) No risk to mother or child
b) Intrapartum antiviral therapy required
c) Fetopathic effects seen
d) ??

128.Which among the following is not a feature of Horner’s syndrome?
A. Ptosis
B. Miosis
C. Loss of sweating
D. Apparent exophthalmos

129.True statement regarding the kidney is?
A. Clearance will be more than GFR if the substance is secreted into the tubule
B. Descending limb is permeable to solutes
C. Fluid coming from the descending limb is hypotonic
D. Clearance of a substance is always more than GFR if there is tubular secretion

130.rue regarding myocardial O2 demand?
A. Inversely related to heart rate
B. Has constant relation to external cardiac work
C. Correlates with duration of systole
D. Is negligible at rest

131.In laryngeal surgery vocal cordectomy and ligamentectomy is which type
A. I

132.All of the following is involved in development of carcinoma colon except?
B. Beta catenin
C. K Ras
D. Mismatch repair genes

133.Which among the following is false regarding familial adenomatous polyposis?
A. Autosomal recessive inheritance
B. Screening done by sigmoidoscopy
C. Polyps develop in late adulthood
D. Epideral cyst may occur with osteoma

134.Best method to teach life skills to a mentally retarded child ?
A. Cognitive behaviour therapy
B. Contingency management
C. Conginitive reconstruction
D. Self instruction

135.All are true about diazoxide EXCEPT:
A. Anti-hypertensive
B. Causes severe hypoglycemia
C. Used in treatment of insulinomas
D. Acts by ATP mediated K+ channel opening in beta cell membrane

136.Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS) includes all of the following except?
A. Shock
B. Ischemia
C. Neurogenic injury
D. Energy of injury

137.Vertical crest at the junction of the internal auditary canal?
A. Bill’s bar
B. Ponticulus
C. ??
D. ??

138.Which among the following has a giant cell variant?
A. Chondroblastoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Ossifying fibroma
D. Non ossifying fibroma

139.Percutaneous vertebroplasty is not done in?
A. Osteoporosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Metastasis
D. Hemangioma

140.Laudanosine is a metabolite of?
A. Atracurium
B. Cisatracurium
C. ??
D. ??

141.True regarding ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle is?
A. FSH increases aromatase activity
B. Peak inhibin activity
C. Increased steroidogenesis
D. Activin level is high

142.All are true regarding cystic fibrosis except?
A. It is caused by CFTR gene mutation
B. Calcium channel is involved
C. ??
D. ??

143.All are true regarding streptococci except?
A. Group A and C are hemolygic
B. Pyrogenic toxin is plasmid mediated
C. ??
D. ??

144.12 yr female with 3+proteinuria, lipiduria and hyaline casts but no hematuria. Which of the following is true?
A. Low c3 levels expected
B. No deposits of IgG and c3
C. Nephritic syndrome
D. IgA nephropathy

145.Female child with linear verrucuous plaque and vacuolation of keratinocytes in granulosa and spinosum. What is the diagnosis?
A. Linear darriers
B. Linear verrucuous hyperkeratosis
C. ?? nevus
D. ??

146.Drugs not used in pregnancy are all except?
A. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
B. Angiotensin receptor blockers
C. Aldosterone
D. Propylthiouracil

147.What is the mode of treatment for a ‎2 cm sized papillary carcinoma thyroid in left lobe?
A. Total thyroidectomy + radical LN neck dissection
B. Near total thyroidectomy + radical LN neck dissection
C. Only total thyroidectomy
D. Left hemithyroidectomy

148.A patient with clinically significant diabetic macular edema with non progressive diabetic retinopathy was treated with Macular grid photocoagulation. The patient still has vitreo macular traction. What is the preferred treatment?
A. Intravitreal bevacizumab
B. Pars plana vitrectomy
C. Repeat macular grid photocoagulation
D. Augmented macula photocoagulation

149.True regarding animals that are chronically exposed to cold?
A. Increased sympathetic stimulation
B. Increased vagal action
C. Increased insulin levels in blood
D. ??

150.A patient with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome has been given 3 doses of intravenous methylprednisolone, Serum creatinine – 0.8mg/dl, serum albumin – 2g/dl, cholesterol – 350mg/dl. What is the preferred treatment?
A. Oral cyclophosphamide x 3 months
B. Oral mycophenolate x 6 months
C. Cyclosporine
D. IV cyclophosamide x 6 months

151.True about non typhoid salmonella?
A. Invasive in infants
B. Blood culture more sensitive than stool in adults
C. Poultry acts as a source of infection
D. Fluoroquinolone resistance is seen in some clinical reports

152.True statement regarding the vasomotor centre is?
A. Interacts with cardiovagal center
B. Receives input from higher centres
C. Only responds to arterial baroreceptors, not to chemoreceptors
D. Is in resting phase during sleep

153.Non stress test was done in a 36-38 week fetus was non reactive. What is the next step?
A. Do a biophysical profile
B. Repeat NST after an hour
C. Induction of labor
D. Caesarean section

154.In a patient who dies 4 days after a myocardial infarction, histopathology will show?
A. Neutrophil infiltration
B. Granulation tissue
C. Granulomatous inflammation
D. Coagulative necrosis

155.Side effects of tamoxifen are all except:
A. Thrombosis
B. Endometrial carcinoma
C. Carcinoma in contralateral breast
D. ??

156.Treatment of medullary carcinoma thyroid is:
A. Surgery only
B. Radioiodine therapy
C. ??
D. ??
157.Which among the following is a tumour marker of GIST?
A. Cd34
B. Cd 117
C. ??
D. ??

158.Primary stimulus for respiratory center is?
A. Increase in PCO2
B. Decrease in PCO2
C. Decrease in PO2
D. Increase in H+

159.TB focus in infraclavicular region is called?
A. Gohn
B. Simson
C. Puhl
D. Assman

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