Wednesday, July 13, 2011


AIIMS May 2011 – MCQ 100
1.Histopathological featues of fat necrosis in a new born closely resembles?
A. Steroid induced lipid necorsis
B. Lupoid necrosis
C. Erythema induratum
D. Lipodermatosclerosis

2.A 9 yr old girl has difficulty in combing hair and climbing upstairs. Gowers sign is positive. What is the next investigation to be performed?
B. RA factor
C. Creatine kinase

3.BRCA1 gene is located on chromosome number?
A. 13
B. 11
C. 17
D. 22

4.Which among the following is false?
A. Ileum is non feathery
B. Colon has haustrations
C. Jejunum is feathery
D. Distal part of duodenum has a cap

5.Which among the following is false?
A. Ileum is non feathery
B. Colon has haustrations
C. Jejunum is feathery
D. Distal part of duodenum has a cap

6.Not true about breast milk
A. Max output at 12 months
B. Co-efficient of iron absorption is 70%
C. Ca utilization more than cows milk
D. Breast milk protien is reference protein

7.True about cluster sampling all except
A. Sample size same as simple random
B. It is two stage sampling
C. Cheaper than other methods
D. It is a method for rapid assessment

8.Which is true about BCG?
A. Distilled water is used as diluent
B. Site for injection is cleaned with spirit
C. Mantoux test positive in 6 weeks
D. WHO recommends Danish 1331 for vaccine production

9.CAP in Lac operon is an example of:
A. Positive regulator
B. Negative regulator
C. Constitutive expression
D. Attenuation

10.Inceneration not done for
A. Cytotoxic drugs
B. Waste sharps
C. Human anatomical waste
D.Cotton contaminated by blood

11.The primary direct stimulus for excitation of central chemoreceptors is ?
A. Increased H+
B. Increased CO2
c. Increased O2
D. Decreased CO2

12.Which of the following statements regarding DDT is false?
A. Pyrethrum has synergistic action
B. It is a contact poison
C. Immediately kills the prey
D. Residual effect lasts 18 months

13.Following are larval control measures except?
B. Paris green
C. Gambusia
D. Intermittent irrigation

14.Goals of national population policy are all except?
A. Decrease IMR to below 30/1000 live births
B. Reduce MMR to below 100/100000 live births
C. Achieve 100% registration of births, deaths, marriage and pregnancy
D. Bring down TFR to replacement levels by 2015

15.Maximum post prandial motility is seen in?
A. Ascending colon
B. Transverse colon
C. Descending colon
D. Sigmoid colon

16.CSF pressure is mainly regulated by?
A. Rate of CSF formation
B. Rate of CSF absorption
C. Cerebral blood flow
D. Venous pressure

17.Terminal group of lymph node for colon is?
A. Paracolic
B. Epicolic
C. Preaortic
D. Ileocolic

18.Spleen projects in the following space
A. Left paracolic gutter
B. Infracolic compartment
C. Left subhepatic space
D. Greater sac

19.In subclavian artery block at the outer border of 1st rib, all of the following arteries help in maintaining the circulation except?
A. Subscapular
B. Superior thoracic
C. Thyrocervical trunk
D. Suprascapular

20.False about hepatic duct is?
A. Left hepatic duct formed in umblical fissure
B. Caudate lobe drains only left hepatic duct
C. Right hepatic duct formed by 5 and 7 segments
D. Left hepatic duct crosses 4 segment

21.A 3 month old male child with normal genitilia presents to the emergency department with severe dehydration, hyperkalemia, and hyponatremia. Measurement of which among the following is most helpful?
A. 17-hydroxy progesterone
B. Renin
C. Cortisol
D. Aldosterone

22.Regarding ace inhibitors which of the following is true?
A. Inhibits conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1
B. t 1/2 of enalapril is more than lisinopril
C. Omission of priorc diuretic dose decreases the risk of postural hypotension
D. It is effective only with LV systolic dysfunction

23.Which opoid receptor causes musclular rigidity?
A. μ
B. δ
C. κ
D. σ

24.Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by all except
A. Amylodosis
B. Hypothyroidism
C. Addisson’s disease
D. Diabetes mellitus

25.True statement regarding clomiphene citrate is?
A. Enclomiphene is an anti estrogenic
B. Increases pregnancy rate 3 times
C. Incidence of twin pregnancy is 5%
D. Shown to increase fertility in oligospermic males in RCT

26.Vaginal delivary can be allowed in all except?
A. Monochorionic monoamniotic
B. Mentoanterior
C.Extended breech
D. Dichorionic twins with first vertex and second breech

27.A pregnant lady had no complaints but mild cervical lymphadenopathy in first trimester. She was prescribed spiramycin but was non compliant. Baby was born with hydrocephalus and intracerebral calcification. Likely cause is
A. Toxoplasma gondii
C. Cryptococcus
D. Rubella

28.Regarding hashimoto’s thyroiditis, all are true except?
A. Follicular destruction
B. Increse in lymphocytes
C. Oncocytic metaplasia
D. Orphan annie eye nuclei

29.A child presents with faliure to thrive with frequent vomiting, diarrhoea, hepatic splenomegaly and abdominal distension. CT shows adrenal calcification. Which of the following is the diagonosis?
A. Adrenal haemorrage
B. Wolmans disease
C. Pheochromocytoma
D. Addisons disease

30.A girl presented with hyperkalemia and peaked T waves on ECG. The fastest way of shifting potassium intracellularly is?
A. Calcium gluconate IV
B. Oral resin
C. Insulin+glucose
D. Sodium bicarbonate

31.Which of the following about athesclerosis is true?
A. Intake of unsaturated fatty acids associated with decreased risk
B. Thoracic aorta involvement is more severe than abdominal aorta
C. Extent of lesion in veins is same as that in arteries
D. Hypercholesterolemia does not always increase the risk of atherosclerosis per se

32.Radiological features of LV failure are all except
A. Kerley b lines
B. Cardiomegaly
C. Oligemic lung fields
D. Increased flow in upper lobe veins

32.Berry aneurysm defect lies in:
A. Degeneration of internal elastic lamina
B. Degeneration of media/muscle cell layer
C. Deposition of mucoid material in media
D. Low grade inflammation of vessel wall

33.Function of CD4 is all except?
A. antibody production
B. Cytotoxicity of T cells
C. Memory B cells
D. Opsonisation

34.All the following statements about purification of water are true except
A. Presence of clostridial spores indicate recent contamination
B. Coliforms must not be detectable in any 100ml sample of drinking water
C. Sodium thiosulphate is used to neutralize chlorine
D. Coliforms may be dtected by multiple tube method and indole production at 44 degrees

35.True about sickle cell disease are all except
A. Single nucleotide change results in change of glutamine to valine
B. Sticky patch is generated as a result of replacement of a nonpolar residue with a polar residue
C. HbS confers resistance against malaria in heterozygotes
D. RFLP results from a single base change

36.After digestion by restriction endonucleases DNA strands can be joined again by?
A. DNA polymerase
B. DNA ligase
C. DNA topoisomerase
D. DNA gyrase

37.The loading dose of Aminophylline is:
a) 50-75 mg/kg
b) 0.5-1.0 mg/ kg
c) 2.0-3.5 mg/kg
d) 5-6 mg/kg

38.The drug imatinib acts by inhibition of:
a) Tyrosine kinase
b) Glutathione reductase
c) Thymidile synthetase
d) Protein kinase

39.Imatinib is used for treatment of Chronic myeloid leukemia.
All are true about exenatide except?
A. Glucagon like peptide analogue
B. Used in type 1 diabetes mellitus
C. Administered subcutaneously
D. Decreases glucagon level

40.Commonest infection in cystic fibroisis?
A. Pseudomonas(non mucoid strains)
B. Burkholderia cepacia
C. ??
D. ??

41.Root of mesentery crossed by
A. Horizontal part of duodenum
B. Left gonadal vessels
C. Left Ureter
D. Superior mesentric artery

42.Laudosine is a metabolite of ?
A. Atracurium
B. Cis atracurium
C. Galantamine
D. Pancuronium

43.Best contraceptive for a lactating mother is?
B. Barrier
D. Lactational amenorrhea

44.Fish is the source of all except?
A. Iron
B. Iodine
C. Vitamin A
D. Phosphorus

45.Most probable route for transmission of meningitis from CNS to inner ear?
A. Coclear aqueduct (ans)
B. Vestibular aqueduct
C. Endolymphatic sac
D. ??

46.A worker presented with abdominal pain, a line on the nails and garlic odour. It is probably due to poisoning by?
A. Lead
B. Mercury
C. Arsenic
D. ??

47.All of the following drugs will worsen megaloblastic anemia except?
A. Alcohol
B. Phenytoin
C. Methotrexate
D. Chloroquine

48.Acetyl CoA cannot be converted back DIRECTLY to?
A. Glucose
B. Ketone bodies
C. Fatty acids
D. Cholesterol

49.Most important prognostc factor for colorectal cancer is?
A. Tumour characteristics
B. Tumor site
C. LN status
D. Vascular invasion

50.Patency of ductus arteriosus is necessary in all except?
A. Persistent truncus arteriosus
B. Hypoplastic left heart
C. Pulmonary stenosis
D. Transposition of great vessels with intact ventricular septum

51.Which among the following is not fermented by colonic flora?
A. Pectin
B. Lignin
C. Starch
D. Cellulose

52.Limb reduction defects & scarring of skin in a newborn is seen due to?
A. Toxoplasma
B. Rubella
C. Varicella
D. Herpes virus

53.During arteriography dissection most commonly in?
A. Gastroduodenal artery
B. Coeliac trunk
C. Superior mesenteric artery
D. Inferior mesenteric artery

54.Axillary sheath is derived from?
A. Pretracheal fascia
B. Prevertebral fascia
C. Clavipectoral fascia
D. ??

55.A 7 day old baby was brought with respiratory distress and shock. Baby was discharged in a healthy state 2 days back. Diagnosis?
A. Aortopulmonary window
B Hypoplastic LV
C. Large VSD
D. Ebsteins anomaly

56.Healthy thinking is characterized by all except
A. Continuity
B. Constancy
C. Clarity
D. Organisation

57.Reflex hallucination is a morbid variety of?
A. Kinesthesia
B. Paraesthesia
C. Hyperaesthesia
D. Synaesthesia

58.Which is NOT true about angiography?
A. Common femoral artery is routinely catheterised
B. Single wall puncture is indicated in those with normal coagulation profile
C. Femoral artery is catheterised at medial third of femoral head
D. Seldinger technique is used both for femoral artery and vein

59.Ideal contraception for couple living far away, meeting occasionally?
B. Barrier

60.Ideal contraceptive for newly married couple?
C. Barrier method
D. ??

60.All the muscles retract the scapula except
A. Rhomboideus major
B. Rhomboideus minor
C. Trapezius
D. Levator scapulae

61.Upper limb weight is transmitted to axial skeleton by all except?
A. Coracoacromial ligament
B. Claviculoclavicular [interclavicular] ligament
C. Costoclavicular ligament
D. Acromioclavicular ligament

62.In case of an obstucted labor with mother dehydrated, febrile, and an IUD fetus in cephalic presntation. What is the management?
A. Craniotomy
B. Decapitation
C. Cesarean section
D. Forceps delivery

63.In civil negligence,the onus of the proof lies with
A. Patient
B. Doctor
C. Magistrate
D. Police not below the rank of sub inspector

64.Incidence can be determined by
A. Cross sectional studies
B. Prospective studies
C. Case control studies
D. Retrospective studies

65.Cis atracurium is preferrable to atracurium because?
A. Rapid onset
B. Short duration of action
C. Less cardiac depression
D. Less histamine release

66.Movement of protein from nucleus to cytoplasm can be seen by?
C. Confocal microscopy
D. Electron microscopy

67.30 year hypertensive lady, G 2+0, presents with menorrhagia. What is the preferred treatment?
A. Mirena
C. Hysterectomy
D. Transcervical resection of endometrium

68.Duplication of gene has contributed to the development of?
A. r RNA
C. hn RNA
D. t RNA

69.Which among the following is not a border of the triangle of auscultation?
A. Trapezius
B. Scapula
C. Latissimus dorsi
D. Serratus anterior

70.A 30 year old woman presents with primary infertility and mass per abdomen. CA 125 level is 70U/ml. Most probable diagnosis is?
A. Ovarian cancer
B. Borderline ovarian tumor
C. Tuberculosis
D. Endometriosis

71.Ovarian reserve measured by?
D. Estrogen

72.First laparoscopic cholecystectomy done by:
A. Eric Muhe
B. Langhenback
C. phillip
D. ?m..

73.Thrombosis is seen in all except
D. Heparin induced thrombocytopenia

74.Octreotide is used for all except
A. Gliomas
B. Insulinomas
C. Glucagonomas
C. Carcinoid

75.Which is true ?
A. Goitre in 5 percent of population is endemic goitre
B. In thyroid storm, the clinical features are primarily due to increased thyroxine
C. Propylthiouracil is contraindicated in pregnancy
D. ??

76.A 30yr old lady was diagnosed with sputum smear positive tuberculosis. She has a 3yr old child who is asymptomatic. Which of the following should be used as prophylaxis for the child?
A. INH 3mg/kg for 3mths
B. INH 3mg/kg for 6mths
C. INH 5mg/kg for 3mths
D. INH 5mg/kg for 6mths

77.Formications and delusions of persecution always occur together in ?
A. Cannabis
C. Heroin
D. Cocaine

78.Blood supply of sternocleidomastoid muscle is from all except?
A. Post auricular artery
B. Occipital artery
C. Thyrocervical trunk
D. Superior thyroid artery

79.False regarding pioglitazone is?
A. Agonist of PPAR
B. Metabolised by liver enzyme Cyp3A4
C. ??
D. ??

80.Which among the following is given in a case of hypoglycemia due to insulin and acarbose to overcome hypoglycemia?
A. Glucose
B. Sucrose
C. Maltose
D. Starch

81.Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is caused by a mutation of?
A. Laminin
B. Collagen VII
C. Laminin 5
D. Fibronectin

82.Most common site of cholangiocarcinoma is?
A. Intrahepatic duct
B. Distal bile duct
C. Hilum
D. Multifocal

83.Axillary abscess is most safely drained through?
A. Floor of axilla
B. Posterior wall
C. Medial wall
D. Lateral wall

84.A 5 year old boy with pubic hair, enlarged phallus, with BP= 130/90. Which of the following measurements would be diagnostic ?
A. Aldosterone
B. 11 deoxycortisol
C. Deoxycorticosterone
D. ??

85.In “bounce off” test of knee joint, end feel is described as all except?
A. Bony
B. Empty
C. Springy
D. Firm

86.Nitrogen narcosis occurs due to?
A. Effect of nitrogen on neurons
B. ??
C. ??
D. ??

87.True about prolactinoma in pregnancy all except ?
A. Most common pituitary tumors, hardly cause any effect
B. ??
C. ??
D. ??

88.In autopsy the spine is opened from which direction?
A. Anteriorly
B. Posteriorly
C. Anterolaterally
D. Laterally

89.Investigation of choice for recurrent GIST?

90.Which of the following is not a pure beta ray emitter?
A. Samarium
B. Strontium
C. Yttrium
D. Phosphorous 32

91.Not a side effect of naloxone?
A. Hypertension
B. Seizures
C. Pulmonary edema
D. ??

92.Non progressing contraction of esophagus is
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
D. Quarternary

93.All of the following non malignant bone diseases appear to be malignant except?
A. Fibrous dysplasia
B. Hurlers
C. Bone island
D. Bone infarction

94.Bleomycin causes the following in lungs
A. Destruction of type 1 pneumocytes
B. Destruction of type 2 pneumocytes
C. Both 1 and 2
D. Destruction of endothelial cells

95.True about shunt vessels:
A. Play a role in thermoregulation
B. Role in nutrition distribution
C. Present in all vital organs
D. No autonomic nervous regulation

96.Most Common site of dissection following arteriography
A. Coeliac plexus
B. Gastroduodenal artery
C. Superior mesenteric artery
D. Inferior mesenteric artery

97.About exenatide, all are true except
A. Used in type 1 DM
B. GLP-1 agonist
C. Given subcutaneously
D. Decreases glucagon levels

98.Sphincter of Oddi consists of
A. 2 sphincters
B. 3 sphincters
C. 4 sphincters
D. 5 sphincters

99.Fine reticulate pigmentation with palmar pitting is seen in?
A. Cockayne syndrome
B. Blooms syndrome
C. Degos syndrome
D. ??

100.What is a cardiac polyp?
A. Benign mass
B. Fibrinous clot
C. Aneurysn
D. Infarct

101.Revascularisation is most effective in
A. Stunned myocardium
B. Hibernating myocardium
C. Partially ischemic myocardium
D. ??

102.Histone acetylation leads to
A. Eucrhomatin
B. Heterocrmatin
C. Replication
D. ??

103.Survival in untreated gall bladder carcinoma?
A. 2-4 months
B. 8-10 months
C. 12-24 months
D. ??

104.Which of the following doesnt occur in Renal cell carcinoma?
A. Polycythemia
B. Cushing’s
C. Malignant hypertension
D. Amyloidosis

105.A person having chest pain and sudden palpitations with heart rate of 150/min and regular rhythm. Diagnosis?
A. Sinus tachycardia
B. Idioventricular rhythm
D. AF with heart block

106.All are congenital myopathies except?
A. Central core
B. Z band
C. Nemaline
D. ??

107.Cotrimoxazole used in all except
B. Chancroid
C. Prostatitis
D. Typhoid

108.According to enneking system, not true regarding an active benign lesion is
A. Intracapsular
B. Margin of reactive bone
C. Wide rim of reactive bone
D. Extended curettage is treatment

109.Regarding Ifosfamide, all are true except?
A. It is an alkylating agent
B. Metabolised by liver
C. More toxic than cyclophosphamide.
D. ??

110.Most common cause of death in a patient with thronbolytic therapy?
A. Myocardial rupture
B. Reperfusion arrhythmia
C. Intracranial haemorrhage
D. ?

111.Degrees given by institutions in india and recognised by MCI come under?
A. Schedule I
B. Schedule II
C. Part 1 of scedule III
D. Part 3 of scedule III

112.All are true regarding Dent’s disease except?
A. Proteinura
B. Hypercalciuria
C. Father will have the same disease
D. Rickets is present

113.Central dot sign seen in
A. Caroli disease
B. Primary sclerosing cholangitis
C. Liver hematoma
D. ??

114.Most comon cause of acute mesenteric ischemia is
A. Arterial thrombosis
B. Venous thrombosis
C. Embolism
D. Non occlusive ischemia

115.Best test for GERD?
A. Manometry
B. 24 hour ph monitoring
C. Endoscopy
D. Esophagogram

116.A term male baby, with birth weight 3.5 kg, developed respiratory distress at birth, not responded to administration of surfactant. Echocardiogram was normal. X ray chest shows ground glass appearance. There is history of death of a female sibling at 1 month of age. What is the diagnosis?
B. Meconium aspiration
C. Neonatal alveolar proteinosis
D. ??

117.Which of the following is not true about JRA?
A. Fever
B. Uveitis
C. Rheumatoid nodules
D. Raynaud’s phenomenon

118.Pulsatile liver & ascites are found in?
A. Tricuspid regurgitation
B. Mitral regurgitation
C. Mitral stenosis
D. Pulmonary hypertension

119.False about acrodermatitis enteropathica
A. Triad of diarrrhoea, dementia,and dermatitis
B. Low zinc level
C. Symptoms improve with zinc supplem.
D. Autosomal recessive

120.A 14 yr old girl on exposure to cold has pallor of extremities followed by pain and cyanosis. She is prone to develop:
B. Scleroderma
C. Rheumatoid arthritis
D. Histiocytosis

121.All are true about mucinous neoplasm of pancreas except?
A. Has coloumnar epithelium
B. Ovarian tissue may be found in it
C. Associated with ascites
D. Is premalignant

122.Drug which does not precipitate unstble angina?
A. Dipyridamole
B. Sumatriptan
C. thyroxine
D. Oxyfedrine

123.All are true regarding mesothelioma except?
A. Bilaterally symmetrical
B. Associated with asbestos exposure
C. Histopathalogy shows bimodal trend
D. Occurs in late middle age

124.Gall bladder poylps have risk of malignancy if
A. Polyp is associated with gall stones
B. Polyp size > 5 mm
C. ??
D. ??

125.All are true regarding carcinoma pancreas except?
A. 75% cases have p53 mutation
B. 5 year survival rate after pancreatico duodenectomy is 10-15%
C. Stage III cancer median survival is 3-6 months
D. ??

126.Not seen in Gestational Diabetes?
A. Previous macrosomic baby
B. Congenital malformation
C. Polyhydramnios
D. Obesity

127.Lady gets Chicken pox 3 days before delivery of the baby. What is the baby’s prognosis?
a) No risk to mother or child
b) Intrapartum antiviral therapy required
c) Fetopathic effects seen
d) ??

128.Which among the following is not a feature of Horner’s syndrome?
A. Ptosis
B. Miosis
C. Loss of sweating
D. Apparent exophthalmos

129.True statement regarding the kidney is?
A. Clearance will be more than GFR if the substance is secreted into the tubule
B. Descending limb is permeable to solutes
C. Fluid coming from the descending limb is hypotonic
D. Clearance of a substance is always more than GFR if there is tubular secretion

130.rue regarding myocardial O2 demand?
A. Inversely related to heart rate
B. Has constant relation to external cardiac work
C. Correlates with duration of systole
D. Is negligible at rest

131.In laryngeal surgery vocal cordectomy and ligamentectomy is which type
A. I

132.All of the following is involved in development of carcinoma colon except?
B. Beta catenin
C. K Ras
D. Mismatch repair genes

133.Which among the following is false regarding familial adenomatous polyposis?
A. Autosomal recessive inheritance
B. Screening done by sigmoidoscopy
C. Polyps develop in late adulthood
D. Epideral cyst may occur with osteoma

134.Best method to teach life skills to a mentally retarded child ?
A. Cognitive behaviour therapy
B. Contingency management
C. Conginitive reconstruction
D. Self instruction

135.All are true about diazoxide EXCEPT:
A. Anti-hypertensive
B. Causes severe hypoglycemia
C. Used in treatment of insulinomas
D. Acts by ATP mediated K+ channel opening in beta cell membrane

136.Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS) includes all of the following except?
A. Shock
B. Ischemia
C. Neurogenic injury
D. Energy of injury

137.Vertical crest at the junction of the internal auditary canal?
A. Bill’s bar
B. Ponticulus
C. ??
D. ??

138.Which among the following has a giant cell variant?
A. Chondroblastoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Ossifying fibroma
D. Non ossifying fibroma

139.Percutaneous vertebroplasty is not done in?
A. Osteoporosis
B. Tuberculosis
C. Metastasis
D. Hemangioma

140.Laudanosine is a metabolite of?
A. Atracurium
B. Cisatracurium
C. ??
D. ??

141.True regarding ovulatory phase of menstrual cycle is?
A. FSH increases aromatase activity
B. Peak inhibin activity
C. Increased steroidogenesis
D. Activin level is high

142.All are true regarding cystic fibrosis except?
A. It is caused by CFTR gene mutation
B. Calcium channel is involved
C. ??
D. ??

143.All are true regarding streptococci except?
A. Group A and C are hemolygic
B. Pyrogenic toxin is plasmid mediated
C. ??
D. ??

144.12 yr female with 3+proteinuria, lipiduria and hyaline casts but no hematuria. Which of the following is true?
A. Low c3 levels expected
B. No deposits of IgG and c3
C. Nephritic syndrome
D. IgA nephropathy

145.Female child with linear verrucuous plaque and vacuolation of keratinocytes in granulosa and spinosum. What is the diagnosis?
A. Linear darriers
B. Linear verrucuous hyperkeratosis
C. ?? nevus
D. ??

146.Drugs not used in pregnancy are all except?
A. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
B. Angiotensin receptor blockers
C. Aldosterone
D. Propylthiouracil

147.What is the mode of treatment for a ‎2 cm sized papillary carcinoma thyroid in left lobe?
A. Total thyroidectomy + radical LN neck dissection
B. Near total thyroidectomy + radical LN neck dissection
C. Only total thyroidectomy
D. Left hemithyroidectomy

148.A patient with clinically significant diabetic macular edema with non progressive diabetic retinopathy was treated with Macular grid photocoagulation. The patient still has vitreo macular traction. What is the preferred treatment?
A. Intravitreal bevacizumab
B. Pars plana vitrectomy
C. Repeat macular grid photocoagulation
D. Augmented macula photocoagulation

149.True regarding animals that are chronically exposed to cold?
A. Increased sympathetic stimulation
B. Increased vagal action
C. Increased insulin levels in blood
D. ??

150.A patient with steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome has been given 3 doses of intravenous methylprednisolone, Serum creatinine – 0.8mg/dl, serum albumin – 2g/dl, cholesterol – 350mg/dl. What is the preferred treatment?
A. Oral cyclophosphamide x 3 months
B. Oral mycophenolate x 6 months
C. Cyclosporine
D. IV cyclophosamide x 6 months

151.True about non typhoid salmonella?
A. Invasive in infants
B. Blood culture more sensitive than stool in adults
C. Poultry acts as a source of infection
D. Fluoroquinolone resistance is seen in some clinical reports

152.True statement regarding the vasomotor centre is?
A. Interacts with cardiovagal center
B. Receives input from higher centres
C. Only responds to arterial baroreceptors, not to chemoreceptors
D. Is in resting phase during sleep

153.Non stress test was done in a 36-38 week fetus was non reactive. What is the next step?
A. Do a biophysical profile
B. Repeat NST after an hour
C. Induction of labor
D. Caesarean section

154.In a patient who dies 4 days after a myocardial infarction, histopathology will show?
A. Neutrophil infiltration
B. Granulation tissue
C. Granulomatous inflammation
D. Coagulative necrosis

155.Side effects of tamoxifen are all except:
A. Thrombosis
B. Endometrial carcinoma
C. Carcinoma in contralateral breast
D. ??

156.Treatment of medullary carcinoma thyroid is:
A. Surgery only
B. Radioiodine therapy
C. ??
D. ??
157.Which among the following is a tumour marker of GIST?
A. Cd34
B. Cd 117
C. ??
D. ??

158.Primary stimulus for respiratory center is?
A. Increase in PCO2
B. Decrease in PCO2
C. Decrease in PO2
D. Increase in H+

159.TB focus in infraclavicular region is called?
A. Gohn
B. Simson
C. Puhl
D. Assman



1) Sphincterotomy (Sphincter of Oddi) is performed at – 12’O clock
2) Anti-HBs presence signifies – Acute hepatitis
3) Early gastric carcinoma involves- Mucosa and submucosa
4) Advanced esophageal carcinoma advice is – Souttar tube (Palliation rather than cure of cancer is treatment of goal. Major goal of therapy is restoring and or maintaining ability to swallow, managing the pain prevents bleeding )
5) Cervical carcinoma involving lateral pelvic wall – Stage IIIb
6) Milk is poor source of -ascorbic acid (vitamin E is usually absent )
7) Choledochal cyst develops due – Abnormal pancreatic biliary junction
8) Gastric carcinoma true all except –More in low socioeconomic group
9) Increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma oesophagus –Achalasia
10) Ulcerative colitis – Smoking prevents ulcerative colitis
11) HLA association in all except- Rheumatoid arthritis
12) FFP(fresh frozen plasma)- ABO compatibility optional
13) Trichomonas vaginalis –Has 5-7 flagella and undulated membrane
14) Best to visualize pancreas-Spiral CT scan
15) Evaluate hydronephrosis- USG
16) Transferase rarely in hundreds –Acetaminophen toxicity (genetic deficiency of bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl transferase predisposes to acetaminophen toxicity )
17) Granisetron acts through – 5HT3 blocker
18) Xanthurenic index for ferritin level in metabolism associated with –Tryptophan
19) Measure of iron status- Serum ferritin
20) Plague-Cheopsis index (if cheopsis index is more than 1 indicative of plague outbreak )
21) Charcot triangle which of the following does not belong –Bile duct
22) Commonest cancer in females in india –Breast cancer
23) Vector for gene therapy all except- Rotavirus (Viral vector-retrovirus,lentivirus,adenovirus)
24) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor – Didanosine
25) Carcinoma cervix involving lateral pelvic wall treatment of choice is- Chemoradiation i.e. chemotherapy & radiation
26) Oncogenic rickets not seen – Fibrous dysplasia
27) Seen in isolated medial rectus palsy –Crossed diplopia with outward tilt
28) Father of modern toxicology- Alfred
29) Latent phase of labor in primi should not exceed- 8 hrs( in multi- 4 hrs )
30) Vision 2020 does not include - Refractory error
31) One year old baby with squint treatment – Refractory error correction +amblyopia correction + surgery
32) Scalded mucosa seen in – Carbolic acid poisoning
33) Lymph node in head & neck-200
34) Tibial collateral ligament is formed by –Adductor magnus
35) Rotator cuff not formed by- Teres major
36) Drug of choice for MRSA- Vancomycin
37) 2005 nobel prize in medicine is for discovery of H. pylori and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease –Barry Marshall & J. Robin Warren
38) Paalman & McEllin criteria for –Cervical pregnancy
39) Nitrous oxide is produced by all except –Smooth muscle
40) At what serum level MgSO4 knee jerk is absent – 4-7mmol/l
41) USG finding in dichorionic twins – Twin peak(lambda) sign
42) Sputum negative seriously ill tuberculosis patient will b kept in – Category 1
43) Recommended follow up for multibacillary leprosy – For life long
44) Losartan all true except – Causes hyperuricemia
45) Cause of neonatal meningitis – H. Influenza
46) Uterine prolapse + rectocele + cystocele in 55 yr old women – Hysterectomy
47) Iodine antagonist – Cobalt
48) Zinc used in – Insulin synthesis
49) Thyroglobulin levels detect- Medullary carcinoma



1) All are B- cell marker except- CD15 ( B-cell marker-19,23,25. Monocyte macrophage marker-15)
2) Fetal lobster syndrome seen in- Boric acid poisoning
3) Cocydylic acid is found in –Arsenic
4) Smoking stool syndrome is seen in- Yellow phosphorus poisoning
5) Mees line is seen in –Arsenic acid poisoning
6) In category –II sputum examination is done after -3 months
7) DBS a recent surgical treatment in parkinsonism stands for- Deep brain stimulation
8) Discarded outdated medicines should be in –Black bag
9) HIV control to zero by which year in national health policy- 2007
10) Vomiting centre is situated in- Medulla
11) All are fibrous joint except- Symphysis
12) Breast milk transmission in HIV -10-30%[Mother to child transmission were-
23-30% before birth 50-65% during birth 12-20% via breast feeding]
13) Risk of downs syndrome in next baby of a 25 year female having one down baby- 1%
14) Hypotonia seen in all except- Trisomy 18
15) Flapping tremors seen in all except-Thyrotoxicosis
16) 5% CO2 inhalation leads to-Headache
17) Halothane causes –Hepatitis
18) Which of the following is preferred in childrens- Sevoflurane
19) G-protein coupled receptor-B adrenergic
20) Root value of inferior gluteal nerve supplying gluteus maximus-L5
21) Nobel prize for physiology and medicine in 2007-Transgenic mice
22) Rectal continence maintained by-Puborectalis
23) Dundas grant apparatus used in- Cold air caloric test
24) End product of pyrimidine metabolism in non primates- Allantoin
25) Not a antioxidant in eye – Vitamin A
26) Ulcer serpens caused by-Pneumococci
27) C3 and C3b inactivator deficiency leads to- Recurrent pyogenic infection
28) Difference between DIC and synthetic deficiency of coagulation factors is by- D-dimers
29) Keratogenic blennorrhagia is seen in- Reactive arthritis
30) Mononeuritis multiplex is seen in- Polyarteritis nodosa (multifocal involvement of individual peripheral nerve. Fibular nerve 75% of vascular Neuropathy)
31) Total septal destruction is seen in – Wegener’s granuloma
32) Goldman’s equation helps in- Resting membrane potential
33) Which of the following arises from golgi tendon organ - A-alpha
34) Preference of use of one hand ( Handedness) is achieved in- 3 years
35) Gr.B streptococci causes infection –Neonatal meningitis
36) True about eczema- Subepidermal edema with blisters
37) Minoxidil used in – Alopecia
38) Highly pruritic all except -Cutaneus vasculitis
39) Spermatocele is seen at –Upper end of epididymis (occurs in head of epididymis above and behind the upper pole of he testis )
40) Hills criteria of causal association are all except – Sensitivity
41) Altitudinal field defect seen in – Ischemic optic neuropathy
42) Free residual chlorine for bacteria and viral pathogen – 1ppm
43) Mad cow disease is caused by – Altered prion protein
44) All crosses placenta except- Heparin ( heparin is anticoagulant of choice in pregnancy)
45) All causes agranulocytosis except –Antidepressant drugs
46) Following causes psychosis- Isoniazide (INH)
47) All are bactericidal except – Ethambutol
48) Normal changes in pregnancy are all except- Increases respiratory rate/ min
49) External cephalic version (ECV) is contraindicated in – Contracted pelvis
50) Most common cause of breech presentation – Hydramnios ( but if in option- prematurity –then prematurity is commonest cause of breech presentation)
51) Classical caesarean section indicated in – cervical fibroid
52) Oligohydramnios associated with all except- Post maturity pregnancy
53) Life span of CuT 380 – 10 years
54) CuT can be kept for at least -4 years (cuT 200 B is being used under National family program )
55) Following is abductor of hip- Gluteus medius
56) Protein content in buffolow’s milk /100 gram-4.3 gm
57) Bigger vessels are – Windkessels vessels
58) Inferior nerve best infiltrated at- III molar
59) Avascular necrosis (AVN) of femur head most common at – Subcapital
60) Megaloblastic anemia caused by all except – Amoxicillin
61) Megaloblastic anemia caused by –Diphyllobothrium latum(Fish tapeworm)
62) Which of the following enters body by penetration – Strongyloides stercoralis
63) Intrauterine complication of RH incompatibly – Anemia
64) True about phylloides tumor – Malignant epithelium and benign stromal component
65) Piecemeal necrosis seen in : Chronic active Hepatitis
66) True about De-Quervain’s thyroiditis on histopathology.: granulomatous infiltration
67) Complication of hydrocele: Herniation of hydrocele
68) TOC of congenital hydrocele: Herniotomy
69) True about funicular hydrocele: Reaches upto scrotum (Processus vaginalis remains patent up to top of testis.)
70) Alpha feto protein increased in a/e: Closed neuro tube defect
71) Positive predictive value (PPV) is related to prevalence by: Linear
72) Diagnosis of alkaptonuria: Guthrie’s test.
73) Number of TARGETS in Millenium goals: 18 (8 goals)
74) Black urine on standing diagnosis is: Alkaptonuria
75) Ankylosing spondylosis is associated with : HLA-B 27 allele.
76) Paul Bunnell test is used : Infectious mononucleosis
77) Increase alkaline phosphatase seen in a/e: osteoporosis.
78) Pt. With renal stones, pt should be investigated for: parathyroid disease.
79) SIADH seen in a/e : Chromophobe adenoma other options A) Head Injury, b) small cell ca of lung, c)Encephalitis.
80) Streptomycin discovered by –Waksman
81) SIADH seen in all except –Chromophobe adenoma
82) Amphotericin is drug of choice - Aspergillosis
83) Francisella tularensis- Gram negative non motile bacilli
84) Pinta caused by –Treponema carateum
85) Cornea is avascular structure
86) Common cause of pathological fracture in young adult less than 20 yrs –unicameral bone cyst
87) Contraception is indicated for how many months after rubella immunization -3 months (ie pregnancy to avoided for at least 3 months after rubella immunization)
88) Bilateral tubal block with hysterosalpinx treatment of choice- IVF (First laproscopic salpingectomy followed by IVF)
89) Treatment of choice in 45 yr lady with cervical dysplasia –Hysterectomy
90) All are components of Kartagener’s syndrome – Ethmoidal polyp
91) Brown sign is seen in –Glomus tumor
92) Enzyme of gluconeogenesis in- both Cytosol and mitochondria
93) Third supra labial coming on lid seen in – Cobra
94) Shortest acting non depolarizing – Succinylcholine(ultra short acting)
95) Organophosphorus compounds inactivates esterases- Irreversibly
96) Double bubble sign is seen in –Duodenal atresia
97) Breathing and swallowing movements evident on USG at -13-15 weeks(breathing movements identified by11 weeks ,fetus swallows amniotic fluid 10-12 weeks)
98) Antidote of methyl alcohol-Ethyl alcohol
99) True about latanoprost all except – PG inhibitor (latanoprost is PG analogues)
100) NSAIDS with no prostaglandin inhibitor activity- Nefopam
101) Ketotifen acts by –Stabilizing mast cell
102) True about Zollinger Ellison syndrome all except -Islet cell tumor ( Zollinger Ellison syndrome is severe peptic ulcer diathesis secondary to gastric acid hypersecretion due to unregulated gastrin release from a non b cell endocrine tumor-gastrinoma )
103) Nail involvement is not by –Microsporum
104) Haustration found in –Sigmoid colon
105) Angiodysplasia common in- Ascending colon
106) Strongest attachment of vitreous at – Foveola
107) Carcinoma cervix associated with –HPV 16 &18 (most common is HPV16)
108) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is associated with - adenovirus 8 &9
109) Alcohol withdrawal is associated with all except – Nystagmus & ataxia
110) Daily requirement of Na 75-125 mEq(75-125mMol)
111) In balanced diet amount of milk for moderate working man is- 250 ml
112) Uvula vesicae is due to- Median lobe of prostate
113) All are seen in REM sleep except – Bruxism ( bruxism is seen in non REM sleep )
114) B-wave on ERG represent –Muller & bipolar cells
115) If neonatal tetanus rate < 1/1000 low birth ,TT coverage >70% & attended deliveries >50% it comes under –Neonatal tetanus control
116) In measles vaccination catch up by WHO include -All childrens 9 months to 14 yrs
117) Rabies pre exposure prophylaxis IM 1ml 0,7, &21 or 28 days,
118) Wernicke’s encephalopathy due to deficiency of - Thiamine
119) Programme under ministry of health & family welfare
120) All are predisposing factors for atherosclerosis except –Increased HDL
121) Histopathology of dissecting aneurysm include - Cystic medial necrosis
122) MOA of proton pump inhibitor –H+K+ ATPase
123) In rickets all are seen except – Barrel chest
124) True about scurvy all except- Defective mineralization of bones
125) Most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease –Gonorrhea
126) Most common site of genital TB – Fallopian tubes ( The most common cause tubal block in India is Tuberculosis)
127) Perioral rash and pigmentation of palmar area –Zinc deficiency
128) Left anterior descending coronary artery supply all except - Posterior part of interventricular septum
129) Great cardiac vein lies in – Anterior interventricular septum
130) True about first heart sound due to –Closure of AV valves
131) True about pulmonary compliance –Depend solely on elastic recoil & chest structure
132) True about lymph flow- Not decreased by external compression ( compression of tissue by object outside the body increases rate of lymph flow )
133) True about neuroblastoma all except – Can arise from parasympathetic ganglia
134) Following extracts most oxygen from blood – Brain
135) Fainting and syncope is caused by –Aortic stenosis
136) A low specific gravity of urine seen in all except –DM
137) Cerebral malaria caused by – Plasmodium falciparum
138) Sickle shaped RBCs seen in- Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum- erythrocyte changes-cyto adherence agglutination sequestration, another three malaria sequestration does not occur. )
139) Alexia –Inability to read (An inability to comprehend the meaning of written or printed words and sentences, caused by a cerebral lesion. Also called optical alexia, sensory alexia, or visual alexia, in distinction to motor alexia (anarthria), in which there is loss of the power to read aloud although the significance of what is written or printed is understood)
140) Rheobase is- Strength of current
141) Increased intracranial tension is indicated by –Bradycardia & hypertension
142) True about starvation except- Increased in serum glucose
143) Tympanic membrane has total surface area is - 85 sq. mm
144) Decrease vasomotor tone and increase in pooling of blood seen in shock due to- septicemia
145) Hypertension hemorrhage is most common in – Putamen
146) All are complication of epidural catheter – Hypotension
147) Transfer of genetic information through the agency of free DNA –Transduction
148) Normal value of MCHC – 31-37g/dl
149) Platelet activating factor derived from -Eosinophil
150) First lymph node drain by carcinoma maxilla- Submandibular nodes
151) Lymph node draining anal canal below dentate line- Deep inguinal lymph nodes
152) Superior thyroid artery ligated at –As close to gland as possible
153) Tail of pancreases extends into –lienorenal ligament
154) Foramena of Winslow boundaries all except –Quadrate lobe
155) Visual cortex supplied by –Posterior cerebral artery (calcarine br. of PCA)
156) Ectopic testis found commonly at -Superficial inguinal pouch
157) Lateral medullary syndrome is due to –Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
158) Treatment of choice in posterior urethral injury –Supra pubic cystostomy(Partial rupture –cystostomy, Complete rupture-1Primary repair 2 Rail roading with catheter)
159) Drooping of shoulder is due to - Nerve to serratus anterior
160) Branch of posterior cord all except – Ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve is br. of median cord )
161) Cranial nerve which hooks around another cranial nerve & has longest intracranial course –Abducent nerve
162) Pons has nucleus of all following cranial nerves except -IV cranial nerve
163) Suprameatal triangle rest on –Mastoid antrum
164) Bochdalek’s hernia passes through – Posterolateral diaphragm
165) Triple arthrodesis involves –Talonavicular calcaneocuboid subtalar joint fusion
166) Drugs used in parkinsonism- Rivastigmine & Donepezil
167) Heberden’s nodes seen in - Osteoarthritis
168) Haemoglobin at 4 months of age is –Less than 20% of total(at 6months-90% of total, at birth 70% of total )
169) Ectopic urethra commonly opens at – Membranous urethra
170) Which of the following accumulates in Gaucher’s disease- Glucosylceramide
171) True about cardiac electrical events –V-wave represents ventricular contraction
172) Creatine clearance represents –GFR
173) Insulin treatment started on fasting plasma glucose level of - >126
174) T1\2 of I132 – 2-3hrs
175) Pink secretion & pigmentation caused by -Clofazimine
176) Oral contraceptive pill efficacy decrease by –Rifampicin
177) HIV treatment of a patient who had contact with a advanced case of AIDS – Zidovudin, lamivudin & nelfinavir for 4wks
178) Following is a prodrug –Lisinopril
179) Following can be given in Renal failure –Doxycycline
180) Suprasellar tumor with calcification - Craniopharyngioma
181) Best prognosis among following – Astrocytoma
182) All causes urethritis except -Acinetobacter
183) Drug eliminated after 4 half life- 93%
184) Purine antagonist – 5 FU
185) In hemiballismus lesion is at –Subthalamic nucleus
186) Auto antibodies seen in Goodpasture’s syndrome is- Anti basement membrane antibody (Goodpasture’s syndrome is anti –GBM disease)
187) Rhinosporidiosis –Superficial infection (involves mucous membrane)
188) Dengue transmitted by – Aedes aegypti
189) HDI includes all except –Infant mortality rate (HDI-life expectancy at, birth GDP per capita ,literacy )
190) Recommended number of children’s per class – 40
191) In ESI maximum hrs of work per week – 48 hrs
192) Temperature of 27 -28 degree cent. Comes under – Comfortable
193) Exudate caused by all except – Portal hypertension
194) Cardiac failure in pregnancy is indicated by- Dyspnea
195) Components of Horner’s syndrome all except – Proptosis
196) Chloroma is seen in –AML
197) Villous atrophy with antigliadin antibody probable diagnosis is - Celiac sprue
198) Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is transmitted as- X-linked recessive(XR)
199) A patient with proteinuria, haematuria, hypertension diagnosis is – Acute glomerulonephritis
200) Seen in anorexia nervosa – Amenorrhea
201) Scarring alopecia seen in – Lichen planus
202) Congenital laryngeal stridor is also known as –Laryngomalacia
203) Pediatric patient continuous vaginal discharge –Ectopic ureter
204) Axillary sheath is continuation of – Clavipectoral fascia
205) Most toxic intraocular foreign body is – Iron (iron>Cu>mercury>aluminum>nickel>zinc>lead, glass is non toxic )
206) Bilateral retinoblastoma is seen in - 30%
207) Woodruff’s venous plexus situated at – Behind the posterior end of inferior turbinate
208) Caterpillar cells arises from - Kulchitsky’s cells
209) Meningoencephalitis caused by –Listeria monocytogenes
210) Bispinous diameter - 10.5 cm
211) Lynch suture is for -Postpartum hemorrhage
212) % of undescended testis in normal newborn - 3-4%
213) Following used in spleen scan – Tc99m labeled RBCs
214) Drug of choice for pneumocystis carinii- Cotrimoxazole
215) Amyloidosis is associated with all except –Osteoarthritis
216) Following is premalignant condition- Seborrheic keratosis ( The sudden appearance of multiple lesions often with an inflammatory base and in association with acrochordons –skin tags- and acanthosis nigricans .This termed as sign of Leser-trelat and signifies internal malignancy)
217) Multiple purpose worker scheme by-Kartar singh
218) Bacillus cereus is transmitted through –Rewarmed fried rise
219) Shortest incubation period is of –Staphylococcus aureus
220) Idiosyncrasy is – Genetic susceptibility to particular drug
221) Lateral cutaneous is nerve branch of -Lumbar plexus
222) Ulnar nerve supplies all except –Opponens pollicis
223) All are supplied by mandibular nerve except –Posterior belly of digastric (PBD is supplied by digastric br. of facial nerve
224) DAG acts by –Protein kinase c
225) Which of following activates tyrosine kinase – Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF )
226) Figure of 8 (snowman) appearance on x-ray- Non obstructive type TAPVC (Obstructive type- Ground glass appearance of lung fields)
227) Most common carcinoma ovary in young –Dysgerminoma
228) Non selective proteinuria occurs in –membranous glomerulopathy (Selective proteinuria –minimal change disease, Non selective proteinuria-FSGN, membranous glomerulopathy )
229) K.F. ring seen at –Descemet membrane
230) Type I hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by –IgE
231) Prion is transmitted by –Protei nous material
232) Toxic shock syndrome is caused by –Enterotoxin F
233) Graft versus host disease is most common in –Bone marrow transplant
234) Following are in jugular fossa except –Transverse sinus
235) Ranula is a tumor of - Minor salivary gland
236) Kidney function imagine by –DTPA
237) EEG in petit mal-spike & wave (3Hz)
238) Glycosaminoglycans consist of –Uronic acid and hexamine
239) All are dimorphic fungi except –Cryptococci
240) Erythrasma seen in –Corynebacterium minutissimum
241) Gaisböck’s syndrome – Spurious polycythemia with reduced plasma volume
242) True about schatzki’s ring- Occurs at gastro-oesophageal junction
243) Protooncogene true is- Promote cell growth and differentiation
244) True about torsion testis all except –Tumor is most common cause in elderly
245) The golden time to save testis in torsion -6hrs
246) Small penile carcinoma treatment –Radiotherapy
247) Mucosal involvement is seen in- Pemphigus
248) Terminal portion of chromosomes is known as- Telomerase
249) Delayed dentition is seen in hypothyroidism
250) Diarrhoea with abdominal crams is seen in – Staphylococcus aureus



1) Section of grievous injury-320 IPC
2) Algor mortis- Cooling of the body
3) Mycobacterium infection in HIV patients in developed countries- M. kansasii
4) Abnormal glucose tolerance is associated with- Chlorthalidone(thiazide diuretic)
5) Pre exposure prophylaxis in rabies on-0,7,21 or 28 days (1-ml doses of modern cell culture vaccine IM)
6) Dose of human rabies immuno globulin -20 IU/kg
7) HIV post exposure prophylaxis- Zidovudine + Lamivudine
8) [ Basic regimen - Zidovudine + Lamivudine
9) Expanded regimen-Basic regimen + Indinavir]
10) Most specific investigation for pancreatitis-CT scan
11) NO is formed by which amino acid-Arginine
12) Anemic hypoxia is due to- decreased Hb
13) Signs that a muscle is dead are all except-Spurting of venous blood
14) Mc Roberts maneuver – Flex the hip of mother
15) Deformity in fracture neck femur- Abduction and External rotation
16) Antigliadin antibody – Celiac sprue
17) Most occupational carcinoma –Skin
18) Romanas sign- Trypanosoma cruzi ( Chagas disease- Romanas sign- Unilateral
Painless edema of the palpebrae and periocular tissue can result when the
Conjuctiva is the portal of entry)

19) Koebner phenomenon seen in all except- scabies
20) Nasal allergy-IgE
21) Steroid with equal mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid activity – Hydrocortisone
22) Transport media for cholera- Venkataraman-Ramakrishanan media
23) Leptospirosis transmitted by – Rodents
24) Drug of choice for Toxoplasmosis- Cotrimoxazole (Spira mycin is given if toxoplasmosis in pregnancy)
25) Both phototoxicity and photosensitivity-Tetracycline
26) Donath-Landsteiner antibody-Paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria(PCH)
27) Not seen in MEN-1 medullary thyroid carcinoma (MCT)
28) Deficiency of which causes both arterial venous clotting-Antithrombin 3
29) Compensated metabolic acidosis associated with all except- Fall in PaCO2
30) Not a contact poison- Paris green ( it is stomach poison)
31) C peptide is part of –Proinsulin
32) Not associated with HUS – Neuropathy
33) Treatment of person who ha suicidal tendency- Antidepressant
34) Used for day care surgery-Propofol
35) Not a complication of intubation- R. laryngeal palsy
36) Treatment of abductor nerve palsy all except –Adenoidectomy
37) Anti Gp2b3a-Abciximab
38) Not a part of firearm-Percussion cap
39) Mania – Delusion of grandeur
40) Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis caused by-Enterovirus type 70
41) Epidemic conjunctivitis caused by-Adenovirus type 8,3,7,10,17.
42) Mutton fat KPs –Sarcoidosis
43) Lethal lymphoma-NK cell (extranodal t cell) lymphoma of nasal type
44) La bella indifference is seen in- Conversion disorder
45) All decreases effectivity of oc pills except- Chlorpheniramine
46) Most common fracture of orbit- Floor
47) Ranson’s criteria- Serum AST(Aspartate transaminase)
48) Islets are more numerous in –Tail of pancreases
49) Zinc deficiency- Reduced carbonic anhydrase levels
50) Zinc deficiency most likely present as- Pruritus of perineum not responding to anti fungal( rash pruritus of face perineum extremities)
51) Emesis but not diarrhea caused after Chinese fried rice-Bacillus cereus
52) Bacterial food poisoning with shortest incubation period-Staphylococcus aureus
53) Clostridium which causes food poisoning- Clostridium perfringens
54) Incubation period not important in –Isolation
55) TB sub district control unit per- 500000
56) Dapsone drug of choice – Dermatitis herpetiformis
57) Most common herpes virus causing keratoconjunctivitis-Herpes simplex type 1
58) In glycosylate haemoglobin Hb binds with- Glucose
59) Congo red binds to which part of amyloid-Beta pleated sheet
60) Malignant pustule-Anthrax
61) Orphan drugs- Rare drugs
62) T1/2 which is false-Can predict whether loading dose require or not
63) Drug of choice for prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis- Rifampicin
64) Sodium chromoglycate- Mast cell stabilizer
65) Fracture of mandible most common at condyloid process
66) Fracture hyoid in throttling- Inward compression fracture
67) Treatment of hyperviscosity in Waldenström’s macroglobulinemia-Plasmapheresis
68) Rocker bottom foot is due to- Vertical talus
69) Morbid obesity – BMI more than 40
70) Metabolic syndrome criteria as proposed by WHO includes- Obesity
71) Malignant hypercalcemia treatment of choice-Saline diuresis
72) Specificity-90% detection of true negative
73) National population policy 2000 target year is- 2010
74) Papilledema seen in – Central retinal vein occlusion(CRVO)
75) Cherry red spot ,hyperacusis , macrocephaly seen in – Tay sach disease
76) Police inquest is carried out in all except- Dowry death (In case of dowry death Magistrate inquest )
77) Fundus of gall bladder located at - Right 9 costal cartilage
78) Aflatoxin produced by-Aspergillus flavus
79) Pituitary tumor causes- Bitemporal hemianopia
80) Tumor lysis syndrome includes all except- Hypocalcemia
81) Cancer cachexia is caused by – Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
82) Nail finding which is not seen in psoriasis- Pterygium
83) Normal anion gap – 10-12 mmol/L
84) Cardiac contractility is decreased in – Dilated cardiomyopathy
85) Not a prodrug – Ampicillin
86) Portal vein is formed by – inferior mesenteric vein and splenic vein
87) Strawberry vagina is seen in - Trichomonas vaginalis s
88) Cardiac muscle acts as a syncytium because of presence of –Gap junctions
89) False about Meckel’s diverticulum- Present along mesenteric border
90) Drug of choice for toxoplasmosis – Cotrimoxazole (Spiramycin is given if its toxoplasmosis in pregnancy)
91) Does of human rabies immunoglobulin is – 20 IU/KG
92) Most specific investigation for pancreatitis -CT scan
93) C peptide is part of – pro insulin
94) Not seen in HUS – Neurological abnormal function
95) Plague is spread by - Rat flea



1. Location of quadrilateral cartilage in nasal septum – Anterior or Anterosuperior
2. Lateral border of foot is supplied by S1
3. Stylomastoid canal transmits – facial Nerve.
4. Artery does not supply middle ear - deep auricular artery.
5. Chorda tympani carries – special i.e. taste sensations - from anterior 2/3rd of the tongue.
6. Lower limit of hypo-pharynx – lower border of cricoid cartilage.
7. Right border of heart is not formed by- Arch of aorta
8. Elevation in a fully adducted eye is by – Interior constrictor
9. Brunner's glands are present in- Duodenum
10. Popliteal nerve does not supply – Inferior tibiofibular ligament
11. Hesselbach's triangle is not formed by – Medial border of pyramidalis
12. Inferior mesenteric artery does not supply – Right of flexure of transverse colon.
13. True for cilia - Adopted for movement of luminal contents
14. Immobile cilia due to defect in – microtubules
15. Not on avascular structure – Dermis
16. Movement of mucous in nose – mucociliary action.
17. Stain for Nucleus – Haematoxylin
18. Renal fascia – Gerota fascia
19. Extra fingers or toes – polydactyly.
20. Lesser cornu of hyoid bone develops from – second arch
21. Down's syndrome is due to – Non dysjunction during meiosis.
22. Pharyngeal muscle not supplied by- hypoglossal nerve
23. Gobles cells are not present in -stomach
24. vertebral level at which renal artery originates – L2
25. Not true for inferior turbinate part of ethmoid bone ( Inferior turbinate is an independent bone)
26. caudate lobe of liver is - segment I
27. Narrowest part in infant's respiratory tract- subglottis.
28. Location of Bartholin’s gland – posterior & inferior of vagina.


1. Morphine does not cause – Diarrhoea
2. Tolerance does not develop to which action of morphine – miosis.
3. Maximum concentration of potassium – colonic secretions
4. Duration of cardiac cycle if heart rate is 100 – 0.6 sec
5. Detumescence of penis after ejaculation – activation of alfa receptors
6. Why tetany not seen in cardiac muscle – cardiac muscle has longer refractory period.
7. Secretion of testosterone – Interstitial cells of testis
8. Substance having increased clearance than GFR – glomerular Filtration +Tubular Secretion
9. Basic postural reflex – stretch reflex
10. Sinus disease is a disease of – SA node
11. Most abundant ion in ECF – Na ions
12. Inherent rhythm for respiration is located in- medulla
13. Surfactant decreases surface tension
14. For 1st heart sound closure of AV valves
15. Storage form of iron – serum ferritin
16. Movement of muscles in nose – mucociliary action
17. Which goes to all body compartment - Normal saline


1. Bilirubin is attached to – albumin
2. Action of vitamin E -Anti oxidant
3. Generation of ATP in mitochondria – proton gradient across inner membrane
4. Genes active away from the site of transcription – hormone elements
5. Slow moving component of serum LDH is increased in – liver disease


1. Poisonous acid present i spinach tomato – oxalic acid
2. Acrodynia occurs in mercury poisoning
3. not true syrup of ipecabab is most commonly used emetic
4. Pralidoxime is not useful in carbaryl poisoning
5. Sommer's movement –the development of rigor mortis could produce significant movement of the body was postulated movement become known as sommer's movement
6. Chilotic line - Anthropometric line extending / from the post aspect of the iliopectineal eminence to the closest point on the anterior auricular margin and then to the iliac rest. Useful in identity of sex of human


1. Classification of Immunoglobulins is based on – Heavy chains
2. definitive diagnosis in measles -fever + rash + Koplik’s spots
3. SSPE is a rare complication of measles.
4. Predilection for temporal lobe – Herpes simplex virus
5. Which stage of malaria is not seen in blood – Schizonts of P. Falciparum
6. Attachment of P. Vivax to RBCs – puffy antigen
7. PK – reaction demonstrate – IgE antibodies
8. Casoni's test- Hydatid cyst.
9. Organism usually sensitive to penicillin – streptococcus pyogenes.
10. Mucous & blood diarrhoea is not cause by – Giardia
11. Secretory diarrhoea – v .Cholera.
12. Sterilization of rubber gloves – Autoclave
13. Sterilization of surgical blade – Hot air oven.
14. True of atypical mycobacteria – usually drug resistant.
15. False about rota virus -Detection of antibodies against rotavirus in stools.
16. Live attenuated bacterial vaccine – BCG
17. Strain of BCG vaccine – live attenuated strain of M. Bovis.
18. Diluent used for BCG- normal saline
19. Tuberculin test – Type IV hypersensitivity.
20. Prophylaxis of allergic pulmonary aspergillosis – steroids.
21. Most common cause of fungal meningitis is AIDS – Cryptococcus
22. true about histoplasma – Dimorphic fungi
23. Athlete's foot is caused by Dermophytes ( Tinea pedis)
24. H. pylori – gastric Malt lymphoma
25. Aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus
26. Clostridium – Gram +ve spare bearing
27. Ascaris is Nematode
28. Cyclo-propagative- malaria ( Development + multiplication of parasite in the vector)
29. Lyme's disease – borrelia Burgdorferi
30. Malaria antigen test detects – Histidine residue.
31. Coating of pathogen by Ig & complement - Opsonization
32. Prion – Proteinaceous particle
33. Heterophile antibodies test – Infectious mononucleosis
34. Immunoglobulin secreted in body secretion – IgA
35. Sterilization of infected soiled cotton- Incineration
36. In typhoid carries, typhoid bacilli are seen in -Gall Bladder.
37. Fulminant giardiasis is seen in severe- IgA deficiency.
38. Diagnosis of post streptococcal glomerulonephritis – Anti DNAase antibodies.
39. Pneumatocele is caused by staphylococcus aureus.
40. Shigella causing antritis – S .Flexneri


1. Psammoma bodies not seen in – medullary ca of thyroid.
2. Mycosis fungoides – Cutaneous lymphoma ( T-cell)
3. Female with mantle radiation will suffer from breast of
4. Pure red aplasia is due to thymoma
5. collection of sample for blood coagulation profile – citrate bulb
6. Diagnosis of DIC – D Dimer.
7. Polyarteritis nodosa does not affect – pulmonary vessels
8. stain for amyloidosis – Congo red
9. Not a premalignant lesion of ski – lupus vulgaris.
10. Not a premalignant lesion of penis – condyloma acuminatum
11. Most common liver disease in alcoholics – fatty liver
12. CEA ( carcinoembryonic antigen ) is not used as marker in Ca thyroid, (Medullary)
13. Buerger's disease does not affect- lymphatic
14. Transudate is due to increased -Hydrostatic pressure.
15. Malignant Hypertension shows- fibrinoid necrosis
16. Coeliac disease sensitivity to-Gluten
17. Dermatitis Herpetiformis associated a coeliac disease
18. Eosinopenia occurs in steroid – treatment
19. Antibodies in SLE – Specific Ab -Anti double stranded DNB antibodies (other anti smith, histone antibodies)


1. Drug to prevent staphylococcus colonization of nose in patient of recurrent staphylococcus pyoderma – Rifampin
2. Not a use of Dapsone – lymphoma
3. Anti-neoplastic which is not an antibiotic – azathioprine
4. Amiodarone does not cause – CCF
5. Lactation should be withheld in mother taking- chloramphenicol
6. Following drug combination should not be administered in treatment of glaucoma – timolol + Butoxalol – (Both are B blocker )
7. Mechanism of action of lovastatin competitive inhibition of rate limiting step in cholesterol synthesis.
8. Contraindicated in pregnancy ACE inhibitors
9. Spina bifida is due to valproate
10. Drug not preferred in pregnancy – Enalapril
11. Prodrug – Drug which is converted in active metabolite in body
12. Not useful in motion sickness – domperidone
13. Which drug has a relief of symptoms and cure rate of reflux esophagitis – omeprazole
14. Drug not metabolized acetylation – Salicylates
15. Gynaecomastia is not caused by- levodopa
16. Not true for cyclosporine – Non selective inhibitor of T lymphocytes
17. Sclerotherapy for varices – sodium tetradecyl
18. Not true for noradrenaline- 1 sec duration of action potential
19. D2 receptor increases renal flow when given in low dose
20. True for beta receptor – present on heart.
21. ACE inhibitor cause – Hyperkalemia
22. Digitalis action – Inhibition of Na -k pump
23. Buprenorphine opiate with partial agonist & antagonist action
24. Earliest symptom of lithium toxicity – coarse tremors
25. Insulin storage & crystallization- Zinc
26. Aspirin sensitivity is associated with - nasal polyposis.
27. ACE inhibitor causing cough – MOA – Bradykinin


1. Forceps used to set the fracture of nasal bone – Walshems's forceps
2. Not true about Grommet insertion myringotomy is not required ( without myringotomy grommet can not be inserted )
3. Myringotomy is not done in -Tuberculosis.
4. Site of emergency needle tracheostomy -cricothyroid membrane.
5. Secondary haemorrhage after tonsillectomy- pt not taking antibiotics ( It leads to infection and secondary haemorrhage)
6. True for antrochoanal polyp-pedunculated. Single causing obstruction.
7. Maggots in the nose – Nasal Myiasis.
8. Not true for prism use in squint – prism can be divided between two eyes.


1. Appearance of central serous retinopathy on angiography – smoke stack
2. Most common site for globe rupture after trauma – upper nasal quadrant (weakest point is in the vicinity of canal of Schlemm concentric to the limbus. The superio-nasal limbus is most common site.
3. Most common site of retinal detachment upper temporal quadrant.
4. Wernicke’s papillitis occurs in – Optic tract.
5. Injury at optic chiasma – bitemporal Hemianopia.
6. Protonopes – Red colour blindness.
7. Pie in sky defect – Temporal lobe lesion ( Visual field defect -superior quadrant loss )
8. Krukenberg's spindle seen in- pigment Glaucoma
9. Not true for prism use in squint – prism can be divided between two eyes.
10. Not true for keratoplasty – topical use of steroids
11. Ectopia lentis not seen in – tuberous sclerosis (other options Homocystinuria Marfan's syndrome and Marchesani Weil syndrome associated with- ectopic lentis
12. Phacomatosis – all except neuroblastoma ( Other options retinoblastoma tuberous sclerosis and retinopathy of immaturity )


1. Use of [ ( 2 HRZE ) + 4 HR ) ] regimen in which case of TB – category I
2. Calorie requirement in adult woman- 2200 kcal
3. Mid-day meal programmed by- ministry of education.
4. bias is minimized in- randomised control trails
5. AASHA servers -1000 population.
6. True for incidence rate – not related to duration of disease.
7. Denominator of general fertility rate – female in reproduction age group.
8. Strength of sewage – biological oxygen demand.
9. 4th phase in demography – low stationary
10. Red cross was founded by – Henry durant ( Jean Henry Durant )
11. ORS does not contain – Magnesium chloride
12. specificity – true negative
13. Employer’s contribution in ESIs – 4.75%
14. Vitamin absent in Human breast milk -Niacin
15. World tobacco day – 31 May
16. Test for three different data – ANOVA analysis of variance.
17. Socrates method – Dialectical method.
18. Body mass index = ( Wt (kg)) / Height 2 (m 2 )
19. Minimum space for each worker 500 sq. Feet.
20. Minimum no. Of people in group discussion – 6
21. Stratified sampling method is used when data is heterogeneous.
22. Change in occurrence of disease over a long period – secular trend
23. Critical path is longest time.

1. Management of new born of HBsAg positive mother – HBV immunoglobulin + HBV -vaccine.
2. Most common cause of 1st day jaundice in newborn -Erythroblastosis foetalis
3. Most common cause of diarrhea in infant-Rota virus
4. Most common cause of diarrhaea in children- E.coli
5. Most common cause of constipation in children – Habitual
6. most common cause of upper GI bleed in children – acute gastritis
7. Most common cause age group for bronchiolitis – less than 2 yrs
8. Dose of Betamethasone for lung maturity 2 doses of 12 mg Betamethasone give 2 hrs apart at 24-4 wks of gestation

1. External transversion of foetus – 37 wk
2. Max cardia output during pregnancy - 32nd wk ( second trimester)
3. management of active herpes infection in pregnancy – LSCS
4. Post-operative dribbling of urine + able to pass urine voluntarily – Uretero vaginal fistula
5. Further course of action c H/O 42 wks of pregnancy without labor pains ( foetal distress - confirmation of menstrual history
6. Absolute indication of LSCS – type iv placenta previa
7. IUGR on Doppler is indicated by All
1. Presence of reverse flow in the ductus venous
2. Pulsality index Reversal of end diastolic flow.
3. Brain sparing effect
4. Presence of umbilical vein pulsations
8. Third degree utero vagina prolapse in woman who wants to have a child in future – shirodkar’s is- modified sling of operation.
9. Maximum level of HCG during pregnancy is 2nd trimester
10. Lower uterine segment is formed by -body of uterus
11. Hormone increased in females after menopause - FSH
12. True for PAP smear – Hormonal changes in cervix.
13. Galactorrhea does not occurs in PCOD
14. Warthin’s jelly of umbilical cord is divided from mesoderm
15. Detection of foetal heart activity by transvaginal USG - 5th to 6th week
16. Krukenberg tumour seen in – ovary
17. Drug for asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy – ampicillin
18. Heart disease c worst prognosis in pregnancy – pulmonary hypertension
19. Ovulation- LH Surge
20. Diagnosis of Biseptate uterus – hysteroscopy.
21. Rx of ruptured ectopic pregnancy 1st resuscitation following by immediate surgery
22. Most common cause of 1st trimester abortion – trisomy -21
23. Last to occur during female puberty – Menarche
24. Diagnosis of down on USG -Increased Nuchal thickness.
25. Oligohydramnios is due to – All of the above ( renal agenesis, posterior urethral dysplasia, small for age foetus )
26. Parameter not used to estimate foetal age – somites
27. serum fe level are minimum in -2nd half of pregnancy
28. Spielberg's criteria used in - Ectopic pregnancy.

1. Bilateral parotid enlargement is seen in Sjögren’s syndrome
2. Rx of pleomorphic adenoma of parotic superficial parotidectomy.
3. Frie's syndrome occurs after – excision of parotid gland.
4. 90% of carcinoma of bladder – transitional cell carcinoma.
5. False about lobular breast – poor prognosis.
6. Pain at the tip of shoulder is not due to – Esophagitis.
7. Most common cause of entero-cutaneous fistula – post operative.
8. Dercrum’s disease -Tender deposition of fat nodules is skin
9. Dukes stage A of rectal CA is managed by surgery - LAR Low anterior resection
10. Treatment of congenital hydrocele -watching for any change ( by age 2yr it generally goes away )
11. 1st to recover from post operative ileus small bowel peristalsis ( 6- 8 hrs)
12. Peud de orange appearance- obstruction of lymphatics of skin
13. Management of lymph nodes after surgery for testicular teratoma – chemotherapy.
14. Type of orchidectomy in ca prostate – Subcapsular.
15. True for haemorrhoids internal piles bleed profusely and do not pain.
16. Curling ulcer – Burns.
17. Rx of fail chest - IPPV (Intermittent positive pressure ventilation).
18. Translucent swelling in neck – Cystic hygroma.
Cock's peculiar tumor – sebaceous cyst

1. Not on indication of urgent surgery in Bacterial endocarditis Native valve endocarditis.
2. Autosomal dominant transmission is seen in – Familial hyper cholesterolemia
3. Hypercalcemia is not seen in- CRF.
4. Basal exudates on CT-scan – tuberculosis
5. Respirator emergency – Epiglottitis
6. Tibial myxoedema is seen in thyrotoxicosis, (pretibial myxoedema is characteristic of thyrotoxicosis and not myxoedema).
7. Mimics space occupying lesion in brain - Cerebral abscess
8. Not a feature of cerebellar disease – tremors at rest (other options – Past pointing /involuntary movements / pendular knee jerk, In cerebellar disease the tremors are intentional and not at rest.
9. Thrombolytic therapy after acute MI 6hrs ( Harrison – useful within 3- 6 hrs)
10. Not a part of metabolic syndrome – High HDL
11. Not true of smoking – capacity to carry oxygen ( there is increase in RBCs and Hb to compensate the decrease capacity of oxygen carriage.
12. Location of obstruction causing wheezing – small airways
13. Most common cause of acute tubular necrosis – Hypovolemia
14. Uncompensated metabolic alkalosis – increased PH , Increased HCO3,normal CO2
15. Orthostatic proteinuria – Benign condition
16. Most common cause of sudden death in MI – ventricular- fibrillation
17. Rx of subdural empyema – Immediate drainage and iv antibiotics.
18. Heart failure cell are seen in- lung
19. Rx for allergic aspergillosis – steroids
20. Salt and papper appearance of skin – systemic sclerosis

1. Epiphyseal bone tumour – chondroblastoma
2. Disc prolapse at L4 L5 level compresses nerve root- L5
3. Which metastasis are contained within the bones – prostate
4. Pain in hip + limp after prolonged high dose of steroids for bronchial asthma – Avascular or necrosis of femur head ( Osteonecrosis)
5. Not involved in carpel tunnel syndrome – ulnar nerve
6. Tardy ulnar palsy -fracture of lateral condyle.
7. Hill sach’s lesion – dislocation of shoulder
8. Bony ankylosis – septic arthritis
9. Punched out lesions in skull bones – multiple myeloma
10. Historically Thomas splint was used in- knee joint.

1. Diagnosis of renal vein and IVC thrombosis - colour Doppler
2. Not used in radiotherapy – linear accelerator
3. Not mutagenic USG
4. Most sensitive to radiation – bone marrow
5. X- ray of closed pneumothorax with full expiration

1. Darrie's sign- urticaria pigmentosa
2. Wavelength of UVV – 280 +- 2mm
3. Circinate balanitis is caused by – reactive arthritis
4. Characteristic angioedema- oedema of subcutaneous tissue
5. Erythroderma does not occur in- leprosy
6. Most common cause of allergy in ear ring – Nickel

1. Height of intradural spinal anesthesia does not depend on – CSF Circulation
2. Pseudocholinesterase degrades- Mivacuroneum

1. Not a feature of panic attach anticipatory anxiety Panic attack is differentiated by sudden onset of symptoms of severe anxiety (like out of the blue) and without apparent precipitating factor lasting for few minutes.
2. Example of dissociative personality – multiple personalities
3. Rx of resistant schizophrenia – clozapine
4. Not true about Hallucinations – pt is aware of the falsehood.



1. Deltoid ligament doesn't join medial cuneiform ligament.
2. Scalenus anterior -wrong statement – Subclavian arteries anteriorly.
3. Lainae in substantia geletinosa 2+3.
4. Muscle in deep perineal pouch sphincter urethrae.
5. Persistent primitive streak – sacrococeyge teratoma.
6. Carpal tunnel syndrome – Medial nerve.
7. Pudendal nerve s2-s4 .
8. Pelvic diaphragm consist of levator ani.
9. Abduction of toes is by – Dorsal interossi.
10. Base of 5th metatarsal fracture pull of peroneous brevius.
11. External rotation in semiflexed knee all except – Fibular collteral ligament.
12. Does not pass under extensor, retinaculum – anterior interoseus artery.
13. Section of fibular nerve -Foot drop.
14. Porto Systemic shunt is present at A/E – Lower anal conal.
15. Structure not passing through – inferior cerebellar peduncle- Pontocerebellar.
16. Opthalmic artery is branch of Intra Cranial internal carotid artery.
17. Nucleus ambigus true is - 9th and 10th nerve arise from it.
18. Not a part on Internal capsule – optic radiation.
19. Uterine epithelium develops from fusion of paramesonephric ducts.
20. Boundries of pudendal canal – between obturator membrane and fascia lunata.
21. Diploic bone – frontal.
22. Pain along medical aspect of arm in ca. Breast is through – intercostobrachial nerve.
23. Endinger westphal nucleus belongs to – General Visceral efferent.
24. True about capillaries A/E -Maximum velocity.
25. Functinal of representative hemisphere – steregnosis ( Lesion of representational hemesphere- Astereognosis , Agnosia , unilateral inattension or neglect. Lession iin categorical hemisphere will produce – language disorder.
26. Substantia gelatinosa – laminae ii and iii.

1. Circadia rhythm controlled by suprachiasmatic nucleus.
2. Preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve secrete – Acetylcholine.
3. Parasympathetic stimulation - inscreases airway resistance.
4. Most important buffer in blood Hb.
5. Inverse stretch reflex – lengthening of muscle
6. Myoglobin is present in slow fibers.
7. Hyperparathyroidism associated with Increase in Alkaline phosphatase.
8. Neurosecretory peptide is somatostatin.
9. Oxtocin – Nerophysin.
10. Intracellular Cation most osmotically active – Na.
11. Splachnic circulation -> 25-30%
12. PH Sensing receptors present in AE -Jugular bulb.
13. PH of blood is -> 7.35 to 7.45
14. Photoreceptor on stimulated release plutamate.
15. Inhibior = Inhibits FSH secretion.
16. True about capillaries – large cumulative surface area ( i.e maximum sectional cross area). Other options -small individual diameter thin wall inscrease velocity.
17. Estrogen seareted by granulosa cells.
18. Intracellular cation most osmotically active – K.
19. Interstitial fluid has most abundant cation is – Na+
20. Arterial Po2 descreases in -None.
Other options – Co poisoning
Cyanide poisoning
(PAO2 is decreasing in Hypoxic hypoxia)
21. Normal urinary protein excretion - < 150mg /dl
other options – 150-200/200-2500/250-300 mg/dl
The amount of protein in urine is normally less than 100mg/dL.

1. Allosteric type – bind site other than that of substrate.
2. Telomerase – RNA dependent DNA pohymerase.
3. Degeneracy of genetic code – for 1 a.a there may be more than one codon.
4. Hormone responsive element – DNA sequence where hormone binding protein complex binds.
5. Nota omega -3 fatty acid – linolic acid.
6. B12 is absorbed in Ileum.
7. Iron present in all from except cerulopasmin.
8. Vit D1 , 25 oh , No role of intenstine.
9. Folding and unfolding of DNA – Topoisomerases.
10. HGPRT ( hypoxanthive Guamine phocphoribosyl transferase ) causes salvoge of Hypozanthine of Guanine

1. Fatty food increases absorption of griseofulvin.
2. Partial agonist – can blind all receptors but produces submaximal activity.
3. Which is most resistant aminoglycoside to enzyme – amikacin
4. Requirment of iron in anamia calculated by wt(kg)/ Hb deficit x 4
5. True about folic acid – required for thymidine synthesis.
6. Pralidoxime c/i in carbaryl poisoning.
7. What will not be found in urine of person consuming multivitamin tables – Cholecalciferol.
8. True bout val proate is cause hepatic Necrosis.
9. Anti- IgE used in asthama in omalizumab.
10. Local anaesthetic used in v local block (Beir's block )- Lidocaine (withoug drenaline)
11. True about cefuroxime – excreted rapidally by kidneys.
12. Granisetron – 5HT3 antagonist.
13. Anti parkinsonian drug with antiapoptotic activity – Selegetive.
14. Shortest acting ACN Esterase – edrophoniun
15. Drug of choice for systemic aspeagillosis – Amphoterian – B (Now voriconazote is drug of st choice)
16. Drug than increases blood level of carbomazapine – Ketoconazole.
* Carbomazole is a substrate as well as induces of CYP3A4
* Ketoconazole inhibit ctochrome p450 especially cYP3A4 and raises the blood levels of carbomazepine
17. Amphotercin B toxicity is monitored b rottasium measurement.
C dose limiting toxicity of amphoteric B is nephrotasicity – manifested by hypokalemia)
18. BZD in hyphotic doses consistenly produce -decreases nocturnal gastric acid secrection other decreases BP / resp-n depresion
19. Highest photosensitivity is seen in pefloxacin.
Option -ciprofloxacin
20. Quinidine is associated a/E – Bradycardia
Other options – SLE
Tachycardia on treading AF Torsades de pointes.

1. Delayed type of hypersensitivity is associated with memory CD4 Cells
2. Programmed cell death is called – Apoptosis.
3. Apoptosis true is – cell self initiated.
4. Barr body first detected in buccal mucosa.
5. Falciparum binds to which receptor molecule in brain vascular endothelium – ICAM-1
6. Following is not a tumour marker CEA/ AKP/HCG / thus last option is answer.
7. Alcoholism seen in – Raised ALT i.e SGPT.
8. Thrombosthenin is coontractile protein of platelets.
9. Cryoprecipitate contains – factor VIII and fibriogen ( remember also VWF )
10. Brain changes in crutzfeld jacob disease -spongiform encaphalophaty.
11. Stable Cell – liver cells other stable cells – endothelial , endocringe gland, firboblast ,kidney smoothe muscle cells. These cells are normally non-multiplying but rapidaly multiply in response to stimuli.
12. Cells like Reed steinberg are seen in – Infectious monuclreosis.
13. HMB45 is tumour marker of melanoma Angiomolipoma

1. True about Hepatitis A Virus is A/E – Carrier rate 2%
2. Yellow fever virus is – Flavi virus.
3. Acute HIV infection is diagnosed – P24 antigen capture assay
4. SARS is corona virus.
5. Not a RNA virus – Hepatitis B.
6. Mad cow disease – Protein prion.
7. Infant botulinism true A/E preformed toxin.
8. Superantigen A/E staphylococeus Endotoxin.
9. Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) caused by staphyloco cells aureus.
10. Lysogenic conversion – Diptheria
11. Mc streptococeus in neonatal meningitis lancefield group B
12. Crytcoceus meningitis diagnostic test Indian ink preparation (CSK)
13. Yeast form in A/E Aspergillus.
14. Dignostic test in 1st week of Typhoid blood culture.
15. Typhoid incubation period – 3 to 21 days.
16. Perforation on in typhoids commonly 3rd week
17. Peroff method for sputum microscopy – concentration method that dont kill bateria, Incubation that in 4% Naoh at 37 degree c, Cetrifugation at 30000 rpm for 20 min -Neutralization with N/10 HCL useful for culture and animal inoculation
18. Vibrio Cholerae is characteristic for growth in alkaline medium
19. True about Pseudomonac aeuruginon A/E relatively sensitive to many antimicrobials.
20. Congenital toxoplasmosis occurs if infection acquired in later half of pregnancy in non immune mother.
21. Earliest diagnostic test for .Pylori infection – c/4 breath test.
22. True about polio- man in only reservoir.
23. Cells like reed steinberg are seen in infeactious mononucleasis
24. Antigen belonging to animal and bacteria – Hecterophile antigen
Pathogenic cryptococel grow at 37 Degree C , Hydrolyse urease ( Urease positive ) Lack of fermentative abilit formation of brown pigment on niger seed agar. Ability to assimilate inositol ability to produce phenole oxidase ) polysacoliaride capsule.

1. Acrodynia – Mercury (Hg) Poisoning )
2. Drug and cosmetic act – import manufacture, distribution , of all drug, controls quality, purity and strenght.
3. Juvenile court - 1st class magistate must be female.
4. Instead of penicillamine can be used in cu poisoning – EDTA
5. chilotic line – seen on hip bone for sex determination.
6. Cholenesterase seen in elapide mainly ie cobra krates, viperade
7. contributory negligence – Avoidable circumstance rute. (ie damaged party cannot recover any damage if he is evern 1% at fault ie injured person mave have contribute to their own injury.
8. Boiled lobster appearance of skin – Boric acid poisoning.
9. Common toxin through vegetable- Oxalic acid.
10. Christmas tree stain is used for identification of semen in a forensic sample.

1. Neonatal tetonus eliminated when incidence is less than 0.1/1000.
2. Contribution of employer in ESIS 4.75%
3. Clorination of water criteria – clear water.
4. Rat flea – endemic typhus
5. Not transmitted by mosquito – kala azar.
6. Natural mosquito control agent – Pyrethrum
7. Reading of abraded skin by dog – class -z so vaccine only
8. Sllivan's index – Expectation of life free of disability.
9. Entry of pathogen and maximum infectivity – generation time.
10. Definitive diagnosis of leprosy -skin sm ear.
11. Antigen shift is in – Influenza.
12. True of carrier in typhoid – Urinary carrier with anomolly.
13. Shorted incubation period in food poisisning – staphylococcus aureus.
14. Chandless inde - anklostomy anodenale
15. Drakunculosis transmitted by drinking contraminated water.
16. Mltibacillary lerpsy is followed upto – 5 yrs.
17. The concept of female health quide was given by – Kartar Singh.
18. Socrate's method of health education -by Dialectic.
19. Best guide for iron deficiency – serum ferritin
20. Different communities best compared by – age specific death rate.
21. Comfortable tempurature range -77-80 Degree F.
22. Mother to be labelled high risk – Height less than 140 CM
23. Efficiency of malaria elimination programmed is evaluated using ABER.
24. Prophylaxis to maniac person not on medication comming to bihar – Mefloquine
25. Persentage of para para in DTT – 70-80%
26. Carpulence index used in obesity = weight / (Height)2
27. Correct statement – Ans Population density 324/sqkm
a) Population density 324/sqkm, b) TFR-6, c) Growth ration 2:2
28. Triage is used for victim disaster.
29. Epidemiological investigation of choice for kala-azar --> ELISA

1. Hybatid cyst scolicidal agent not used – Povidine.
2. Barrd's esophagus is – Metaplasia.
3. Not used in Breast ca – Bleomycin
4. Acute papillary necrosis – Diabetes Mellitus.
5. Risk of thromboembolism is higest with femoral vein thrombus.
6. Hyoid bone is related to thyroglossal cyst.
7. Young woman who received mantly radiation in childhood is likely to develop – breast ca.
8. FNAC in testies is indicated in Azzospemia to identify cause / Necrospemrmia / Differentiate between torsion and inflammation / all of above ANS- Necrosppermia.
9. Vaginal Hydrocede is open upto upper pole of testies.
10. Mesothelioma – deacreasing incidence reflects ban on use of abestos.
11. Clot of size of fist accounts for bloods loss of 500ml.
12. Family history is not associated with lung cancer.
13. Renal imaging in pt with allergy USG.
14. MC site of actinomycetes – Jaw.
15. Middle aged man with renal failure with B/L abdominal mass – ADPKD.
16. Lung injury with good prognosis – ope pneumothorox.
17. All caused of painless haematuria except – Acute cstitis.
18. Spindle cell tumour is – Retroperitoneal firbrosis iin infants.
19. Curling ulcer is associated = Burns.
20. Raynaud's phenomenon sequence – Pallor , cyanosis Rubor.
21. Ca not spreading by symphatics – Basal Cell Carcinoma.
22. Increase in risk of colorectal cancer low fiber diet.
23. Most radiosensitive = bone marrow.
24. Breast cancer realted with early menarche.
25. Highest prognostic value in breast cancer – H/O ca in conlralateral breast.
26. Complication of epidural anaesthesia A/E – cord compression / low volume headache / backache / meningitis, Ans-low volume headache.
27. Von meyer complexes seen in Bileduct hamartoma.
28. FNAC intesties is indicated in – Azoospermia to identify couse other options-
1. Necrospermia
2. Differentiate between torsion and inflamation.
3. All of the above.
29. Granuloma with abscess formation crohns disease.
30. Rectus cutting incision – Maryland.
31. Mc solution used for wound debridement – Betamine (Other options -eusol,NS,cetrimide.
32. RCC not true is – more common in females.
33. RCC not true is - Radiosensitive.
34. Narrowest part of male urethea – External meatus.
35. Spindle cell tumour is retroperitoneal fibrosis in infant.
36. Not used for hemostasis in surgery micronised collagen other options – Gel foam / Micronised cellulose.

1. Stress not equal (/=) of 2nd metatarsal.
2. Not equal (/=) Neck of femur -External rotation and adduction.
3. Tuberculous spine me site T12/L1
4. Tuberculous arthritls 1st sign – reduced joint space.
5. PID investigation of choice – MRI.
6. Clutton joint Mc cause – Diabetes mellitus.
7. Neuropathis joint not spen in – OM/amyloidosis/leprosy/ sarcoldosis, Ams-Sacroidosis.
[Left side] other options -infections,vascular disease overall injury tumor ,is the commest cause of ampulatio . In elderly 50-75 yrs , PVD perip heral vascular disease in main cause
in younger adults (25- 30 yrs) secondly to injury.
8. Standing on toes not possible in paralysis of gastrocnemius.
9. Card test – Ulnal nerve.
10. Onion Peel appearance – Ewing's Sarcoma.
11. Rheumatoid affect axial skeleton – Cervical vertibrae
12. AVN commonly in Intra capsular /= neck of femur.
13. Rx of choice for postmenopausal osteoporosis – Raloxifine.
14. Nerve regeneration – 1 mm/day.
15. Mc indiacation of omputation – Injury.

1. Displacement of apex to left and downward – LVH (Left ventricular hypertrophy)
2. Sinus bradycardia – less than 60.
3. Bloods culture is diagnostic in – infective endocarditis.
4. MCC of infective endocarditis – streptococeus viridans.
5. Atherosclerosis associated infection chlymadia pneumonae.
6. Osler's node – SABE ( Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis )
7. CPAP also A/E – increased cardiac output.
8. Systolic murmur associated with – Ejection click.
9. Physiological murmur associated with A/E – Diastolic murmur.
10. Conn's syndrome – Hyperaldosteronism with Hypokolemia.
11. Pure red cell aplasia is associated with thymoma.
12. Exogenous insulin is differentiated from endogenous by presence of with peptide.
13. Metabolic sydrome is associated with A/E increase in HDL.
14. Chynes stokes breathing – Metabolic alkalosis.
15. Granulomatous condition with hypercalcemia – scircoidosis.
16. Viral meningitis not associated with normal sugar / Normal chloride / lymphocytes / decrease proteins ANS – Nomal chloride.
17. CRF anaemia due to erythropoletin deficiency.
18. Autosomal dominant A/E Beta thallasemia.
19. Mc cause of secondary HTM – Renovascular disease.
20. Hypokalemia produces ECG changes – A/E tall 'T' waves.
21. Agina duration – 15 mins/ 5-10 mins / 15 mins / 30 mins ANS- 30 mins.
22. Unstable angina – cresendo with with normal ECG.
23. Sino atrial disease – Atrial ectopic/ Ventricular ectopic / sinus arrest / sinus arrythmia Ans-Sinus arrythmia.
24. Adenoma sebacenmin Tuberous sclerosis is angiofibroma.
25. Drug induced lupus – anti – histone antibodies.
26. Portwine urine seen in – porphyria / nephritis / melanoma All of the above Ans:- All of the above.
27. Hepatic carcinogen is – Aflatoxin.
28. Liver arrhosis is due to – galactosemia.
29. Pneumocystis carihii pneumonia – inter-alveolar septum.
30. Loud P2 is with pulmonary HTN.
31. Furuncle is caused by – staphylococaus ahreus.
32. Disease causing orchictis – Mumps.
33. Following is not a tumour marker – Melatonin.
34. Ion used in insulin storage – Zn.
35. Mc cause of secondary Hypertension Renal parenchymal disease.
36. Most common organisn of infective endocorditis – Viridans streptococci.
37. Prophylaxis in heart disease for tooth extraction – 1 hr before and two day after.
38. Parentral fat nutrition c/i – Hyperlipidipidemia diabetes malitus / thrombotic states – All of above.
39. Hydropic degenaration of Basal cell seen in – Lichen scterosis atrophicus.
40. Refractory HTN commonest cause pt non compliance.
41. Prophylanis of pneumocystic jiroveei – Symptomatic HIV other options – AIDS / Asymptomatic HIV acut HIV Indication of prophgloris CO4 + T Cell count < 200 / ul or oropharyngcal condidiosis , prior bout of pcp.

1. Nada's criteria for heart disease.
2. TOF radiological feature A/E Rt sided arch of aorta.
3. Single umbilical artery is associated with congenital anomalies – 10-20%
4. Brown fat is present in A/E check.
5. Fore milk contain A/E – Fat
6. Mc valve associated with rheumatic affection – Mitral valve.
7. Ration of check compression to breath 3:1
8. Thalassemia faces not present. - Antimongoloid slant.
9. 1 yr baby withdiarrhaea, flushing, bone pain, fullness in flanks – Neuroblastoma.
10. Fetal Agemoglobin -(Alpha 2) / Y
11. Hypsrrythmia seen in west syndrome ( Infantile spasm )
12. Citrate added to ORS – To provide base.
13. ASP seen is – Rt axis deviatio n RVH.
14. True about Polia A/E more common in females than males.
15. Juvenile rhenmatotal arthritis A/E affects more females/ Panciarticlar / RA factor +ve hence last last option is ANS- JRA MC in girls exceprt type – 2 pauciarticular and system's onses JRA which in more common in boys.

1. Commonest psychiatric diagnosis depression.
2. Phychosis is associated with Deusion.
3. In a potient with mania drugs to be used is mood stabilizer.
4. Excessive buyinh is called oniomania.



1) Burkitt’s lymphoma-t[8:14]

2) Conversion disorder-Hysteric psychosis

3) Drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder(OCD)-Clomipramine

4) Muscle not attached to the apex of the orbit-Inferior oblique

5) Maxillectomy-Weber Fergusson incision

6) Clamydia-Infertility

7) Sclera is thinnest at- limbus

8) Link between urea cycle and citric acid cycle-Fumarate

9) Shine dalgarno in prokaryotes is associated with-Translation

10) RNA Polymerase recognizes-Promoter site

11) S-100 protein is tumor marker – Melanoma

a. (other)- Neuroendocrine tumor

12) Substrate level phosphorylation-Succinate thiokinase

13) Man is intermediate host in- Plasmodium vivax

1. (other)-Hydatid disease,

a. Toxoplasma

14) Ochronosis- Carbolic acid poisoning

15) In fracture of shaft of humerus injury to-Radial nerve

16) t[9:22]-Chronic myeloid leukemia

17) Treatment of chronic phase of CML-Imatinib

18) Most common location of TB spine –Dorsolumbar junction

19) Reese-Ellsworth classification-Retinoblastoma

20) Lenticonus-most common posterior

21) Kayser-Fleischer ring are characteristic in-Wilson’s disease

22) Bone which forms nasal septum-Vomer

23) Peripheral neuritis common with which anti-TB drug-Isoniazide (INH)

24) Ape hand deformity -Median nerve

25) Wrist drop-Radial nerve

26) Urticaria pigmentosa-disease of Mast cell

27) Anesthetic agent of choice in labour analgesia-Bupivacaine

28) Most radiosensitive tissue-Bone marrow

29) Twin pregnancy with per vaginal bleeding, pain in lower abdomen-Abruptio placentae

30) Pulmonary fibrosis found with-Amiodarone & Bleomycin

31) SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome)-Coronavirus

32) Management of stage IIb carcinoma cervix –Radiotherapy

33) Vestibule develops from-Urogenital sinus

34) Gun stock deformity-Supracondylar fracture humerus

35) SGA baby-Less than 10th percentile

36) Greatest psychiatric burden in society-Depression

37) Not seen in trachoma-Ptosis

38) Gynaecomastia not seen with-Levodopa

39) In H. pylori eradication regimen drug not used-Cisapride

40) Management of prolapse in nulliparous women-Suspension operation(abdominal sling operation)

41) Koebner s phenomenon – Psoriasis

42) Not true about Horner’s syndrome – Mydriasis

43) Ash leaf macules, shagreen patch Tuberous sclerosis

44) Genetic markers for Retinoblastoma 13p14, 13a14

45) 2nd NHFS (National Family Health Survey) was done in 1998-99. 3rd NHFS 2005-2006

46) Leptospirosis is spread by rats

47) Live vaccine – BCG

48) Pulse proteins are deficient in methionine.

49) Integration of health service – Jugalwala committee

50) Treatment of organophosphorus poisoning – atropine

51) Pentamer Immunoglobulin – IgM

52) Secular trend – changes over a long period of time.

53) Intermittent diarrhea and intermittent constipation, mass in Right iliac foss -- Amoeb oma

54) Most infective stage of leprosy – lepromatous

55) Doc for trigeminal neuralgia – chlorpromazine

56) Cryptococcus neoformans is visualized in Indian ink preparation.

57) Amyloid is seen in Congo red with apple green bisferengence.

58) ectopia lentis – Marfan’s syndrome

59) Eye involvement is seen in JRA Type I / II (mc)

60) Acute laryngeal spasm during indirect laryngoscopy – Acute epiglottitis

61) Dr. Christian Bernard – Heart transplant

62) Mycosis fungoides – T cell tumor

63) Agamma globulinemia – Rhinitis / Recurrent refractory sinusitis

64) First thing seen in ♀ secondary sexual characters – Thelarche

65) In paraduodenalgutter- Superior mesentric artery

66) Vitamin to be corrected in obstructive jaundice – vit K

67) Clotting factor deficient in liver disease – 7,2,9,10,5

68) Fatty live is due to accumulation of TG

69) Diagnostic sign of antemortem hanging – Saliva dribbling

70) For histopathology study preservative used of 10% formalin

71) Hyper magnesia Rx – Calcine gluconate & stopping magnesium

72) Rt minimal pleural effusion seen on which view – rt decubitus

73) Lo voltage ECG – Pericardial effusion.

74) Sperms are unable to penetrate ova – Capacitation has not occurred

75) Meckel’s diverticulum not true – origin from mesenteric border

76) Nephritic syndrome. AE – lipiduria

77) Omega sign Laryngomalacia

78) Baby omitting on 1st day – oesophageal atresia

79) Best test for renal function -- creatine clearance (GFR can be calculated from creatine clearance)

80) Instrument in nasal value repair walshman’s forcep

81) In treatment bronchial Asthma which drug is not dilator – steroids

82) Intermittent proptosis – varices

83) Doc in renal hypertension – Enalapril

84) Chronic dacryocystitis block in -NLD.

85) Not seen in MEN -1 – Medullary thyroid carcinoma

86) Buerger’s disease –cork screw appearance

87) Endometriosis best diagnosed by laparoscopy

88) Alzheimer’s disease – Acetycholine

89) MC cause spontaneous abortion – chromosomal abnormalities

90) Generalised anxiety disorder –Anxiety in daily all activities

91) Basic structure of health system in India- PHC

92) Phantom limb- Law of projection

93) Fatty liver is due to accumulation of- TGs

94) Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis-Enterovirus type 70

95) Tip of nose and adjacent upper area of lip is dangerous area of face because- Risk of cavernous sinus thrombosis

96) All causes referred pain to ear except- Nasal furunculosis

97) Chemoprophylaxis for H. Influenza meningitis- Rifampicin

98) Testis come to bottom of scrotum by the end of -9th month

99) Under water autopsy of heart is done in- Air embolism

100) Effective against pseudomonas and used in burn patients-Silver sulphadiazine

101) Centchroman is –Female contraceptive

102) In open neural tube defect- elevated Alpha fetoprotein(AFP)

103) Prion is –Infectious protein

104) Arlt’s line – Scar line in sulcus sub tarsalis

105) Surgical blade is sterilized by- Autoclave

106) Procarcinogen a/e- Alkylating agent

107) Graph to compare two quantitative data-Scatter diagram

108) Calorie and protein intake in a pregnant women is-2500cal & 8gram protein

109) Nicotinamide preferred over niacin due to-Flushes

110) Acculturation is –Culture contact

111) Group most prone to rubella-Female of 15-45 yrs age

112) Test for rapid diagnosis of pyogenic meningitis-Latex agglutination test

113) Spontaneous bleeding in all of the above- haemophilia, von willebrand, platelet less than 10000.

114) Plasma is maximum during pregnancy- 30-32weeks

115) Day of ovulation in a 29 day menstrual cycle- 15th day

116) Fistula leading to highest electrolyte imbalance-Duodenal fistula

117) Patient having diarrhea and colic on & off with mass in right iliac fossa –Ileal cecal TB

118) Most common place of intussusception- Ileocolic

119) Following is not prodrug -Acyclovir

120) Not a complication of trachoma – proptosis

121) Risk approach – Normal care to all ANC with special care to high risk ANC

122) Hutchison’s triad in newborn child which is not present – Facial abnormalities

123) True hermaphroditism is when - Tissue of both ovaries and testes are present

124) Structure associated with lower thyroid molar is – Inferior alveolar nerve.

125) Four carpal bones are present at – 5 yrs age

126) Ossification present at following place 1st – lower end femur

127) Test completely descend in the scrotum by the age – End of 8th month

128) Sample for DNA finger printing should be transferred in thymol.

129) Transpulmonary pressure in difference between the pressure in alveoli and pleura

130) Largest diameter of fetal head – Sub mento vertical

131) Death cause by rash and negligent act comes under section 304 A

132) Which of the following is primary ketone body – Acetoacetate

133) Reverse transcriptase inhibitor – Zidovudine

134) Oligohydramnios ia associated with which of the following fetal anomalies – Renal agenesis

135) Vernal conjunctivitis – Eosinophils in the papillae

136) Not true of vitellointestinal duct – Start from anti mesenteric border

137) Vocal cords lie in cadaveric position – B/L recurrent & superior laryngeal and palsy

138) Internal podalic version – abnormal lie of 2nd foetus in twin pregnancy after 1st has come out.

139) Not a part of medical wall of orbit – Zygoma.

140) Forced inversion in plantar flexed foot injured – anterior talofibular lig.

141) CTEV shoes – Straight inner border outer raise, no heel.

142) Triple deformity of knee – Flexion, posterior subluxation, external rotation

143) Not related to lateral wall of cavernous sinus – Optic Nerve

144) Ankle reflex – S1

145) Gleason classification – Ca prostate

146) Speed of the spermato zoite – 1-3 mm/min

147) Ligamentum teres is remnant of umbilical vein

148) Length of umbilical cord – 55 to 60 cm.

149) Retinoblastoma gene is located 13q14

150) Young syndrome – Bronchiectasis ,azoospermia, rhinosinusitis

151) Best test for determining initial stage of renal insufficiency – Creatinine clearance (in clinical practice GFR calculated from creatinine clearance)

152) Carpal tunnel content – Flexor digitorum superficialis, Flexor digitorum profundus, median Nerve.

153) Black color around the entry of site of a firearm injury is due to – Smoke

154) In MI raised, CK-MB

155) CA bladder not true – Most common is squamous cell CA

156) Treatment given to asymptomatic Entamoeba cyst carries – Diloxanide f uronate

157) Non invasive diarrhoea – Vibrio cholera

158) Pathological finding in lung silicosis – Fibrotic nodules up lobe involvement

159) Cheapest source of iron for poor people – Soya bean

160) Superior part of Winslow’s foramen is bound by – caudate lobe of liver.

161) Pretectal nucleus – papillary light reflex

162) Cause of epiglottitis – H. Influenza

163) Split lacerations are due to – Blunt object

164) Vomiting on 1st day of life is due to amniotic fluid gastritis

165) Non absorption of fast soluble vitamins is due to steatorrhea / pancreatic insufficiency – both

166) Pt with hepatic insufficiency is being planed for surgery. Which vitamin deficiency has to be treated 1st – Vit K

167) Vision is compromised in fracture through- optic foramen

168) Most common germ cell tumor – dysgerminoma

169) Pseudo flexion of the hip – Psoas abscess

170) Vascular sign of Narath – post dislocation of hip

171) Trousseaus and Chvostek sign is seen in oxalic acid

172) Most prevalent HIV subtype in India – Subtype C

173) Minimal Ascites detected by CT Scan

174) Ova in stool is not a diagnostic significance in – Strongyloides

175) Beta blocker C/I in CCF, Asthma DM, atherosclerosis. All of the above

176) MC cause of blindness in India – cataract

177) Not a virulence factor in meningococci – Peptidoglycan

178) Most sensitive antibody test to detect antigens is - western blot

179) Which is not true – Infant mortality rate(IMR) – 60

180) Mucormycosis of paranasal sinus is most common in DM.

181) True about apoptosis is – can be initiated from within

182) Thio pentone sodium dose – 2.5%

183) Implantation of blastocyst is at 6 day or 9th day.

184) Thinnest path lens – Posterior pole

185) Odds ratio related to relative risk

186) MV cause of parathyroid hypersecretion of parathyroid adenoma

187) DNA viruses except HTL (HLU, KSLU, EBV, CMU)

188) PHC principles A/E Equal distribution

189) Anxiolytic with anti depressant action

190) Apoptosis – Councilmen bodies

191) Exercise cause all except increase in pulmonary vessel transit time

192) Acute laryngeal spasm during indirect laryngoscopy – acute epiglottitis

193) Desk for student – minus desk

194) Doc for trigeminal neuralgia -Crabamazepine

195) ORS which is wrong – KCL

196) Castration after puberty what happens – sexual desire ↓ decrease.

197) Alpha antitrypsin deficiency is due to defective protein

198) Malignant change in lipoma – Retroperitoneum

199) Neocerebellum – Planning and programming of Actions.

200) Dopamine agonist-Bromocriptine

201) 16 week hydatiform mole-Suction & evacuation

202) Split laceration- Blunt trauma

203) Avascular necrosis in long term steroid treatment can be prevented by – 500gm calcium daily

204) Right suprarenal vein joins- Inferior vena cava