Wednesday, July 13, 2011



1) All are B- cell marker except- CD15 ( B-cell marker-19,23,25. Monocyte macrophage marker-15)
2) Fetal lobster syndrome seen in- Boric acid poisoning
3) Cocydylic acid is found in –Arsenic
4) Smoking stool syndrome is seen in- Yellow phosphorus poisoning
5) Mees line is seen in –Arsenic acid poisoning
6) In category –II sputum examination is done after -3 months
7) DBS a recent surgical treatment in parkinsonism stands for- Deep brain stimulation
8) Discarded outdated medicines should be in –Black bag
9) HIV control to zero by which year in national health policy- 2007
10) Vomiting centre is situated in- Medulla
11) All are fibrous joint except- Symphysis
12) Breast milk transmission in HIV -10-30%[Mother to child transmission were-
23-30% before birth 50-65% during birth 12-20% via breast feeding]
13) Risk of downs syndrome in next baby of a 25 year female having one down baby- 1%
14) Hypotonia seen in all except- Trisomy 18
15) Flapping tremors seen in all except-Thyrotoxicosis
16) 5% CO2 inhalation leads to-Headache
17) Halothane causes –Hepatitis
18) Which of the following is preferred in childrens- Sevoflurane
19) G-protein coupled receptor-B adrenergic
20) Root value of inferior gluteal nerve supplying gluteus maximus-L5
21) Nobel prize for physiology and medicine in 2007-Transgenic mice
22) Rectal continence maintained by-Puborectalis
23) Dundas grant apparatus used in- Cold air caloric test
24) End product of pyrimidine metabolism in non primates- Allantoin
25) Not a antioxidant in eye – Vitamin A
26) Ulcer serpens caused by-Pneumococci
27) C3 and C3b inactivator deficiency leads to- Recurrent pyogenic infection
28) Difference between DIC and synthetic deficiency of coagulation factors is by- D-dimers
29) Keratogenic blennorrhagia is seen in- Reactive arthritis
30) Mononeuritis multiplex is seen in- Polyarteritis nodosa (multifocal involvement of individual peripheral nerve. Fibular nerve 75% of vascular Neuropathy)
31) Total septal destruction is seen in – Wegener’s granuloma
32) Goldman’s equation helps in- Resting membrane potential
33) Which of the following arises from golgi tendon organ - A-alpha
34) Preference of use of one hand ( Handedness) is achieved in- 3 years
35) Gr.B streptococci causes infection –Neonatal meningitis
36) True about eczema- Subepidermal edema with blisters
37) Minoxidil used in – Alopecia
38) Highly pruritic all except -Cutaneus vasculitis
39) Spermatocele is seen at –Upper end of epididymis (occurs in head of epididymis above and behind the upper pole of he testis )
40) Hills criteria of causal association are all except – Sensitivity
41) Altitudinal field defect seen in – Ischemic optic neuropathy
42) Free residual chlorine for bacteria and viral pathogen – 1ppm
43) Mad cow disease is caused by – Altered prion protein
44) All crosses placenta except- Heparin ( heparin is anticoagulant of choice in pregnancy)
45) All causes agranulocytosis except –Antidepressant drugs
46) Following causes psychosis- Isoniazide (INH)
47) All are bactericidal except – Ethambutol
48) Normal changes in pregnancy are all except- Increases respiratory rate/ min
49) External cephalic version (ECV) is contraindicated in – Contracted pelvis
50) Most common cause of breech presentation – Hydramnios ( but if in option- prematurity –then prematurity is commonest cause of breech presentation)
51) Classical caesarean section indicated in – cervical fibroid
52) Oligohydramnios associated with all except- Post maturity pregnancy
53) Life span of CuT 380 – 10 years
54) CuT can be kept for at least -4 years (cuT 200 B is being used under National family program )
55) Following is abductor of hip- Gluteus medius
56) Protein content in buffolow’s milk /100 gram-4.3 gm
57) Bigger vessels are – Windkessels vessels
58) Inferior nerve best infiltrated at- III molar
59) Avascular necrosis (AVN) of femur head most common at – Subcapital
60) Megaloblastic anemia caused by all except – Amoxicillin
61) Megaloblastic anemia caused by –Diphyllobothrium latum(Fish tapeworm)
62) Which of the following enters body by penetration – Strongyloides stercoralis
63) Intrauterine complication of RH incompatibly – Anemia
64) True about phylloides tumor – Malignant epithelium and benign stromal component
65) Piecemeal necrosis seen in : Chronic active Hepatitis
66) True about De-Quervain’s thyroiditis on histopathology.: granulomatous infiltration
67) Complication of hydrocele: Herniation of hydrocele
68) TOC of congenital hydrocele: Herniotomy
69) True about funicular hydrocele: Reaches upto scrotum (Processus vaginalis remains patent up to top of testis.)
70) Alpha feto protein increased in a/e: Closed neuro tube defect
71) Positive predictive value (PPV) is related to prevalence by: Linear
72) Diagnosis of alkaptonuria: Guthrie’s test.
73) Number of TARGETS in Millenium goals: 18 (8 goals)
74) Black urine on standing diagnosis is: Alkaptonuria
75) Ankylosing spondylosis is associated with : HLA-B 27 allele.
76) Paul Bunnell test is used : Infectious mononucleosis
77) Increase alkaline phosphatase seen in a/e: osteoporosis.
78) Pt. With renal stones, pt should be investigated for: parathyroid disease.
79) SIADH seen in a/e : Chromophobe adenoma other options A) Head Injury, b) small cell ca of lung, c)Encephalitis.
80) Streptomycin discovered by –Waksman
81) SIADH seen in all except –Chromophobe adenoma
82) Amphotericin is drug of choice - Aspergillosis
83) Francisella tularensis- Gram negative non motile bacilli
84) Pinta caused by –Treponema carateum
85) Cornea is avascular structure
86) Common cause of pathological fracture in young adult less than 20 yrs –unicameral bone cyst
87) Contraception is indicated for how many months after rubella immunization -3 months (ie pregnancy to avoided for at least 3 months after rubella immunization)
88) Bilateral tubal block with hysterosalpinx treatment of choice- IVF (First laproscopic salpingectomy followed by IVF)
89) Treatment of choice in 45 yr lady with cervical dysplasia –Hysterectomy
90) All are components of Kartagener’s syndrome – Ethmoidal polyp
91) Brown sign is seen in –Glomus tumor
92) Enzyme of gluconeogenesis in- both Cytosol and mitochondria
93) Third supra labial coming on lid seen in – Cobra
94) Shortest acting non depolarizing – Succinylcholine(ultra short acting)
95) Organophosphorus compounds inactivates esterases- Irreversibly
96) Double bubble sign is seen in –Duodenal atresia
97) Breathing and swallowing movements evident on USG at -13-15 weeks(breathing movements identified by11 weeks ,fetus swallows amniotic fluid 10-12 weeks)
98) Antidote of methyl alcohol-Ethyl alcohol
99) True about latanoprost all except – PG inhibitor (latanoprost is PG analogues)
100) NSAIDS with no prostaglandin inhibitor activity- Nefopam
101) Ketotifen acts by –Stabilizing mast cell
102) True about Zollinger Ellison syndrome all except -Islet cell tumor ( Zollinger Ellison syndrome is severe peptic ulcer diathesis secondary to gastric acid hypersecretion due to unregulated gastrin release from a non b cell endocrine tumor-gastrinoma )
103) Nail involvement is not by –Microsporum
104) Haustration found in –Sigmoid colon
105) Angiodysplasia common in- Ascending colon
106) Strongest attachment of vitreous at – Foveola
107) Carcinoma cervix associated with –HPV 16 &18 (most common is HPV16)
108) Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis is associated with - adenovirus 8 &9
109) Alcohol withdrawal is associated with all except – Nystagmus & ataxia
110) Daily requirement of Na 75-125 mEq(75-125mMol)
111) In balanced diet amount of milk for moderate working man is- 250 ml
112) Uvula vesicae is due to- Median lobe of prostate
113) All are seen in REM sleep except – Bruxism ( bruxism is seen in non REM sleep )
114) B-wave on ERG represent –Muller & bipolar cells
115) If neonatal tetanus rate < 1/1000 low birth ,TT coverage >70% & attended deliveries >50% it comes under –Neonatal tetanus control
116) In measles vaccination catch up by WHO include -All childrens 9 months to 14 yrs
117) Rabies pre exposure prophylaxis IM 1ml 0,7, &21 or 28 days,
118) Wernicke’s encephalopathy due to deficiency of - Thiamine
119) Programme under ministry of health & family welfare
120) All are predisposing factors for atherosclerosis except –Increased HDL
121) Histopathology of dissecting aneurysm include - Cystic medial necrosis
122) MOA of proton pump inhibitor –H+K+ ATPase
123) In rickets all are seen except – Barrel chest
124) True about scurvy all except- Defective mineralization of bones
125) Most common cause of pelvic inflammatory disease –Gonorrhea
126) Most common site of genital TB – Fallopian tubes ( The most common cause tubal block in India is Tuberculosis)
127) Perioral rash and pigmentation of palmar area –Zinc deficiency
128) Left anterior descending coronary artery supply all except - Posterior part of interventricular septum
129) Great cardiac vein lies in – Anterior interventricular septum
130) True about first heart sound due to –Closure of AV valves
131) True about pulmonary compliance –Depend solely on elastic recoil & chest structure
132) True about lymph flow- Not decreased by external compression ( compression of tissue by object outside the body increases rate of lymph flow )
133) True about neuroblastoma all except – Can arise from parasympathetic ganglia
134) Following extracts most oxygen from blood – Brain
135) Fainting and syncope is caused by –Aortic stenosis
136) A low specific gravity of urine seen in all except –DM
137) Cerebral malaria caused by – Plasmodium falciparum
138) Sickle shaped RBCs seen in- Plasmodium falciparum (P. falciparum- erythrocyte changes-cyto adherence agglutination sequestration, another three malaria sequestration does not occur. )
139) Alexia –Inability to read (An inability to comprehend the meaning of written or printed words and sentences, caused by a cerebral lesion. Also called optical alexia, sensory alexia, or visual alexia, in distinction to motor alexia (anarthria), in which there is loss of the power to read aloud although the significance of what is written or printed is understood)
140) Rheobase is- Strength of current
141) Increased intracranial tension is indicated by –Bradycardia & hypertension
142) True about starvation except- Increased in serum glucose
143) Tympanic membrane has total surface area is - 85 sq. mm
144) Decrease vasomotor tone and increase in pooling of blood seen in shock due to- septicemia
145) Hypertension hemorrhage is most common in – Putamen
146) All are complication of epidural catheter – Hypotension
147) Transfer of genetic information through the agency of free DNA –Transduction
148) Normal value of MCHC – 31-37g/dl
149) Platelet activating factor derived from -Eosinophil
150) First lymph node drain by carcinoma maxilla- Submandibular nodes
151) Lymph node draining anal canal below dentate line- Deep inguinal lymph nodes
152) Superior thyroid artery ligated at –As close to gland as possible
153) Tail of pancreases extends into –lienorenal ligament
154) Foramena of Winslow boundaries all except –Quadrate lobe
155) Visual cortex supplied by –Posterior cerebral artery (calcarine br. of PCA)
156) Ectopic testis found commonly at -Superficial inguinal pouch
157) Lateral medullary syndrome is due to –Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
158) Treatment of choice in posterior urethral injury –Supra pubic cystostomy(Partial rupture –cystostomy, Complete rupture-1Primary repair 2 Rail roading with catheter)
159) Drooping of shoulder is due to - Nerve to serratus anterior
160) Branch of posterior cord all except – Ulnar nerve (ulnar nerve is br. of median cord )
161) Cranial nerve which hooks around another cranial nerve & has longest intracranial course –Abducent nerve
162) Pons has nucleus of all following cranial nerves except -IV cranial nerve
163) Suprameatal triangle rest on –Mastoid antrum
164) Bochdalek’s hernia passes through – Posterolateral diaphragm
165) Triple arthrodesis involves –Talonavicular calcaneocuboid subtalar joint fusion
166) Drugs used in parkinsonism- Rivastigmine & Donepezil
167) Heberden’s nodes seen in - Osteoarthritis
168) Haemoglobin at 4 months of age is –Less than 20% of total(at 6months-90% of total, at birth 70% of total )
169) Ectopic urethra commonly opens at – Membranous urethra
170) Which of the following accumulates in Gaucher’s disease- Glucosylceramide
171) True about cardiac electrical events –V-wave represents ventricular contraction
172) Creatine clearance represents –GFR
173) Insulin treatment started on fasting plasma glucose level of - >126
174) T1\2 of I132 – 2-3hrs
175) Pink secretion & pigmentation caused by -Clofazimine
176) Oral contraceptive pill efficacy decrease by –Rifampicin
177) HIV treatment of a patient who had contact with a advanced case of AIDS – Zidovudin, lamivudin & nelfinavir for 4wks
178) Following is a prodrug –Lisinopril
179) Following can be given in Renal failure –Doxycycline
180) Suprasellar tumor with calcification - Craniopharyngioma
181) Best prognosis among following – Astrocytoma
182) All causes urethritis except -Acinetobacter
183) Drug eliminated after 4 half life- 93%
184) Purine antagonist – 5 FU
185) In hemiballismus lesion is at –Subthalamic nucleus
186) Auto antibodies seen in Goodpasture’s syndrome is- Anti basement membrane antibody (Goodpasture’s syndrome is anti –GBM disease)
187) Rhinosporidiosis –Superficial infection (involves mucous membrane)
188) Dengue transmitted by – Aedes aegypti
189) HDI includes all except –Infant mortality rate (HDI-life expectancy at, birth GDP per capita ,literacy )
190) Recommended number of children’s per class – 40
191) In ESI maximum hrs of work per week – 48 hrs
192) Temperature of 27 -28 degree cent. Comes under – Comfortable
193) Exudate caused by all except – Portal hypertension
194) Cardiac failure in pregnancy is indicated by- Dyspnea
195) Components of Horner’s syndrome all except – Proptosis
196) Chloroma is seen in –AML
197) Villous atrophy with antigliadin antibody probable diagnosis is - Celiac sprue
198) Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy is transmitted as- X-linked recessive(XR)
199) A patient with proteinuria, haematuria, hypertension diagnosis is – Acute glomerulonephritis
200) Seen in anorexia nervosa – Amenorrhea
201) Scarring alopecia seen in – Lichen planus
202) Congenital laryngeal stridor is also known as –Laryngomalacia
203) Pediatric patient continuous vaginal discharge –Ectopic ureter
204) Axillary sheath is continuation of – Clavipectoral fascia
205) Most toxic intraocular foreign body is – Iron (iron>Cu>mercury>aluminum>nickel>zinc>lead, glass is non toxic )
206) Bilateral retinoblastoma is seen in - 30%
207) Woodruff’s venous plexus situated at – Behind the posterior end of inferior turbinate
208) Caterpillar cells arises from - Kulchitsky’s cells
209) Meningoencephalitis caused by –Listeria monocytogenes
210) Bispinous diameter - 10.5 cm
211) Lynch suture is for -Postpartum hemorrhage
212) % of undescended testis in normal newborn - 3-4%
213) Following used in spleen scan – Tc99m labeled RBCs
214) Drug of choice for pneumocystis carinii- Cotrimoxazole
215) Amyloidosis is associated with all except –Osteoarthritis
216) Following is premalignant condition- Seborrheic keratosis ( The sudden appearance of multiple lesions often with an inflammatory base and in association with acrochordons –skin tags- and acanthosis nigricans .This termed as sign of Leser-trelat and signifies internal malignancy)
217) Multiple purpose worker scheme by-Kartar singh
218) Bacillus cereus is transmitted through –Rewarmed fried rise
219) Shortest incubation period is of –Staphylococcus aureus
220) Idiosyncrasy is – Genetic susceptibility to particular drug
221) Lateral cutaneous is nerve branch of -Lumbar plexus
222) Ulnar nerve supplies all except –Opponens pollicis
223) All are supplied by mandibular nerve except –Posterior belly of digastric (PBD is supplied by digastric br. of facial nerve
224) DAG acts by –Protein kinase c
225) Which of following activates tyrosine kinase – Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF )
226) Figure of 8 (snowman) appearance on x-ray- Non obstructive type TAPVC (Obstructive type- Ground glass appearance of lung fields)
227) Most common carcinoma ovary in young –Dysgerminoma
228) Non selective proteinuria occurs in –membranous glomerulopathy (Selective proteinuria –minimal change disease, Non selective proteinuria-FSGN, membranous glomerulopathy )
229) K.F. ring seen at –Descemet membrane
230) Type I hypersensitivity reaction is mediated by –IgE
231) Prion is transmitted by –Protei nous material
232) Toxic shock syndrome is caused by –Enterotoxin F
233) Graft versus host disease is most common in –Bone marrow transplant
234) Following are in jugular fossa except –Transverse sinus
235) Ranula is a tumor of - Minor salivary gland
236) Kidney function imagine by –DTPA
237) EEG in petit mal-spike & wave (3Hz)
238) Glycosaminoglycans consist of –Uronic acid and hexamine
239) All are dimorphic fungi except –Cryptococci
240) Erythrasma seen in –Corynebacterium minutissimum
241) Gaisböck’s syndrome – Spurious polycythemia with reduced plasma volume
242) True about schatzki’s ring- Occurs at gastro-oesophageal junction
243) Protooncogene true is- Promote cell growth and differentiation
244) True about torsion testis all except –Tumor is most common cause in elderly
245) The golden time to save testis in torsion -6hrs
246) Small penile carcinoma treatment –Radiotherapy
247) Mucosal involvement is seen in- Pemphigus
248) Terminal portion of chromosomes is known as- Telomerase
249) Delayed dentition is seen in hypothyroidism
250) Diarrhoea with abdominal crams is seen in – Staphylococcus aureus

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